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The energies are providing high frequency healing rays of light, upgrading your divine self.

Energy Alchemist, Emma Hands, A Facilitator of Energy & Consciousness  

Emma Hands Energy Alchemist Profile 2025
Emma Hands Energy Alchemist

Emma is highly aligned with raising consciousness and anchoring an expansion of light into the world. Her heightened awareness of energies, enable her to serve as an advanced conduit—activating your soul's gifts, downloading intuitive guidance, and supporting your expansion. Through her, you empower yourself to heal, unlock your abilities, rebuild confidence, and live authentically, no matter life’s challenges. She works within the quantum field of energies, offering multi-dimensional healing, chakra and kundalini activations, intuitive readings, spiritual coaching, space clearing & cord-cutting ceremonies, and energy management courses. 

Her sessions guide you in transcending into higher states of Christ consciousness. Trigger and clear energetic blockages from trauma, anxiety, stress, fear, and worry.  As a multi-dimensional healer, activator, and teacher, Emma elevates your soul's vessel, enabling you to live with greater ease and joy. A Blue Ray Starseed, initiated and working with Saint Germain, the Sophia Dragon Tribe of Goddess Isis, Green Tara, Archangels Michael and Metatron + Sanat Kumara. Appointments worldwide.

Zazar 6th Dimension

"Growing up, I was often told, 'You are too sensitive.' I didn’t know that I could feel energies, another’s pain, emotions, and a gut sense of what was about to unfold. I desire to help others better understand themselves—and their children—by recognising all that we naturally see, sense, feel, and pick up from others. This is especially important when people are not in alignment or speaking their truth, so we can live in soul resonance as one." Emma

Step into your power, your authenticity, and shine bright like the star that you are. 

Emma has undergone extensive personal healing~energy work, past life regressions, awakening my kundalini fire, astral travel journeys, activating my Merkaba, bio-locating + tuning into the galactic energies. I choose to live in the present moment, with my intuition & higher self, selecting my timelines and communicating with my spirit team. I adore sharing all I continue to learn, to help humanity live more consciously on Mother Earth. 

Green Tara
Saint Germain The Violet Flame

Emma is a conduit for energies, you heal yourself, you have all the skills and knowledge within you. If you are looking to clarify your soul destiny, a mentor, clear the past and live in alignment with your quantum energy field, then get in touch. ​You are here with a purpose, with a purpose, we will be reborn ~confidence, health and abilities. Worldwide appointments, sessions via Zoom + remote energy healing.

A multi-sensory empathic, clairsentient soul, intuitive coach, here to guide your upgrading. 

I am super grateful for my life path, treating & teaching clients throughout the world and love helping others heal themselves. We are evolving exponentially, the time for healing is now, so we relearn all we were taught, remove everything blocking our growth and see the world with new eyes. Healing hurts but your commitment and determination produce amazing results.  ​

Open the doorways to your life path, your divine destiny, the dharma of your soul.

Emma Hands Energy Alchemist
Emma Hands Energy Alchemist
Sanat Kumara

I studied Psychology and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy while working in corporate roles, before Energy Healing entered my world. This allowed me to understand the power of working with the energetics of the mind, body, and soul, clearing mental, physical, and emotional blockages. I have a wide spectrum of experience from working in various industries, gaining skills that support my present journey. I also spent many years volunteering, notably 4 years as a telephone helpline counsellor, directing callers toward positive outcomes, + 6 years helping to create one of London's largest free outdoor events. Being on a spiritual path has transformed my life, my health, and my perception of everything. Energy healing is incredibly effective when we understand that we can fully heal ourselves

There is always more to learn & heal, a lifetime of growth and self-love. I would love to help you. 

Handserenity Energy Alchemy is here to assist your soul's mission, helping you live in freedom & sovereignty. I am an Innerdance Facilitator, Kundalini Activator, Self-Mastery Coach, Intuitive Reader, Certified Reiki Teacher, Certified Sound Healer, Crystal Energy & Angel Guide, Past Life Regression Therapist, and Soul Retrieval Journey practitioner, with a global client base. I have studied numerous holistic disciplines, and interestingly, my father was born on the same day as the founder of Reiki. Following a past life regression, it was clear I was a healer in a past life, a truth I uncovered when I saw myself burned at the stake—my dharma

My passion is to help you rebuild confidence & live in your authenticity from the inside out.

"We are here to live freely, in full health & joy, let's upgrade your life, forever"

Emma Hands Energy Alchemist

Happiness is an inside job, a daily choice. Positive thinking, dealing with, & clearing, stored negative energy blockages + loving yourself unconditionally makes life easy. We will heal the world, one day at a time! Any questions: Contact page or Social Media

Complementary Therapists Accreditation
Reiki Accreditation Emma Hands
Certified Usui Reiki Ryoho Master Emma Hands
Certified Crystal Energy Guide Emma Hands
Certified Angel Guide Emma Hands
IPHM Accreditation Emma Hands
Certified Shamanic Life Coach Emma Hands
Reiki Healing Association
Emma Hands Certified Singing Bowl Sound Healer Level 2
Tuning Fork Sound Healer Emma Hands
Certified Card Reader Emma Hands
Kundalini Activation Process
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