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Choose Your Discounted Self Care Routine
Find one that works for you
3 x Quantum Energy Healing In-Person
264£Book a package & SAVE £69 ~ select the first appointment & subsequent sessions when you are ready.Valid for 3 months- Quantum Energy Healing Treatment
Innerdance ~ Kundalini Harmonisation
111£3 Online Sessions ~ choose the dates you can attend each weekValid for 12 monthsDistance Energy Healing x 3 Discount
133£3 Remote Sessions choose the dates you can attendValid for 12 months- Distance Healing Discounted 3 Sessions
3 x Intuitive Coaching via Zoom
285£Make payment, choose the first date you can attend then subsequent dates when you are readyValid for 6 months- Intuitive Coaching via Zoom - Emma Hands
Intuitive Coaching x 6 Session Offer
544£Are you looking for guidance to reach your highest potential, understand your soul gifts & live authentically, ensuring anxiety, fear & worry no longer exist?Valid for 12 months- Intuitive Coaching via Zoom - Emma Hands
3 x Private Innerdance Sessions
165£Discounted SAVE Pay now & book within 6 months - select the sessions as you are ready for them.Valid for 12 months- Private Online Innerdance Activation
Children Innerdance x 5 Sessions
325£Sequential sessions encourage the mastering of themselves, perceptions and all they are capable of achieving ~ SAVE £50Valid for 12 months- Children Online Innerdance Activation
x 10 Private Innerdance Package
550£Private Innerdance x 10 Package Discounted, SAVE & commit to your transformation + growth with multiple regular sessions.Valid for 12 months- Private Online Innerdance Activation
x 6 Private Online Innerdance
270£Private Online Innerdance x 6, SAVE £396 & commit to regular healing and the evolution of your human form.Valid for 12 months- Private Online Innerdance x 5
Intuitive Coaching via Zoom x 10 SAVE
880£Learn to manage your thoughts, feeling and reactions and magnify your strength, confidence and self-beliefValid for 12 months- Intuitive Coaching via Zoom - Emma Hands
Coaching Progamme
55£Every month1 x Monthly Hour Zoom + ongoing support via email- Intuitive Coaching & Mentorship Package
- Intuitive Coaching via Zoom - Emma Hands
Coaching & Mentoring
1,055£Pay for 12 sessions & choose a time to book that suits youValid for 12 months- Intuitive Coaching & Mentorship Package
Quantum Healing, Coaching + Mentoring
1,555£Pay in advance to SAVE £325 & select each appointment when you are free/readyValid for 12 months- Quantum Healing, Coaching + Mentoring
Distance Quantum Healing x 6
255£The regularity of sessions to start with accelerates the healing processes, peeling back the layers to the deep seated issues for ultimate healing.Valid for 12 months- Distance Quantum Energy Healing
Distance Quantum Healing x 10
444£Regular energetic realignment of the physical form ensures balance is maintained in all areas of life.Valid for 6 months- Distance Quantum Energy Healing
Innerdance Group Sessions x 10
330£Energetic & sound practices to transform pain while healing & integrating traumas ~ SAVE £110Valid for 12 months- Innerdance Kundalini Activation Online
Innerdance Group Sessions x 6
228£Choose the first session, make payment than choose which sessions to join each week, when you are sure of your availability ~ SAVEValid for 12 months- Innerdance Kundalini Activation Online
Children x 7 Group Innerdance Online
288£SAVE Package select session 1, then the others when you chooseValid for 12 months- Children Online Group Innerdance
Children x 3 Group Innerdance
122£SAVE Pay now, book session 1 then the others when you chooseValid for 12 months- Children Online Group Innerdance
x 5 Coaching + Quantum Healing
775££155 per session - Select session 1, Pay, book 4 sessions when you are ready. A series of weekly sessions accelerates your results, consistently resetting your thoughts & clear deeper blockages.Valid for 12 months- Distance Quantum Healing + Coaching Zoom
x 3 Coaching + Quantum Healing
495£Select Session 1, Pay & book the other x 2 at your convenience £165 per sessionValid for 12 months- Distance Quantum Healing + Coaching Zoom
Online Healing & Mentoring x 5 Sessions
888£SAVE & set your commitment to reset your thoughts, feeling & actions for successValid for 12 months- Quantum Healing, Coaching + Mentoring
750£Weekly 1 hour Zoom Calls ~ dedicate to relearning and retraining your thoughts. Ongoing email support to maximise transformative change.Valid for 6 months- Quantum Healing, Coaching + Mentoring
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