Energetic Imprint Removal/Cord Cutting Ceremony
A ceremony to cut negative etheric cords from your energy field, implanted from engaging with energy vampires or inadvertently collected when you have left yourself open to dark entities. With all relationships, friendships & interactions, energetic cords form attachments & can cause you to become 'stuck'. Releasing them strengthens + recharges your energy field, removing the 'hooks' left by encounters in this + past life times. Sessions = 45 minutes, performed fully remotely, I energetically place myself in your location, add Zoom Coaching, to learn how to break thought patterns that have brought you to this point.

Sexual Encounters
Intimate relationships interfere with your vibrational frequency and ability to evolve. Non pure souls can continue to tape into your energy field, even when the association has ended. This can be months, years, even lifetimes, later.
Earthbound Souls
Unhappy souls that have left the physical form and are jealous of your path. Their energies can remain, lost, in need of being released and shown the path to fully crossover.
Astral Entities
These are low-vibrational spirits that wish to block you from upgrading and moving into higher realms of consciousness. When we shine bright they don't like it! These can be from past and current life times.
Energy Vampires
Family, friends, work colleagues + random interactions with narcissistic, angry, envious souls who wish to debilitate your light and keep you stuck in 3D + 4D densities.
Cancellation Policy: Please provide 48 hours notice if unable to attend your appointment. We will endeavour to re-arrange the treatment within 7 days. Cancellations within 48 hours will be charged at the full rate.