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Writer's pictureEmma

10:10 Portal of Abundance 2024

October is our month, we step up vibrationally, tuning into, & listening to our higher self, & living the life of our dreams - or you most certainly are taking direct action towards it yourself & your family. The potent energies are bringing all that we have prophesied about, the increase in 'natural' disasters, the disclosures - again timed & planned although being forced by the energies of truth, & the massive personal growth. Some are seeing it manifest as 'sickness', this will happen if your cosmic hearing aid is constantly being switched off. Please notice the signs...synchronicities show up for a reason, you feel a certain way because your guides are trying to get your attention.

The key to the 10:10 Energy Portal of Abundance is waiting for you to open the energetic doorways within your heart, to 'walk though' with 1000% belief in your worthiness. A portal of cosmic alignment on the 10th day & 10th month intertwining to form an energetic gateway into higher realms of consciousness. The aperture of energetic frequencies strengthens your abilities to transform - almost instantaneously - please work on yourself, your mindset, your physical form & any held trauma, stress & fear.

We are being asked to live each moment without panic, angst, dread, unease, or concern for the 'how' it is all going to unfold. Patient yet determined, smiling, inside & out, & opening our heart, & arms, to escalating LOVE energies. Let's do this for the young souls on Mother Tara (Earth), keeping their innate abilities intact, avoiding the poisons in products, food, & the language we were all taught. Learning to live as free sovereign beings. The only 'but' you need is the one you sit on, as using it after a positive statement completely cancels out all that you just said.


This 2024 year the dragon energies are extremely potent, the age of Aquarius is here, huge timeline shifts and your toroidal field of energies is expanding, our quantum crystalline forms are upgrading.

Affirmations ~ repeat x 3+

  • I AM so worthy

  • I believe in me, my journey so far, & all I am here to create

  • I never blame the external, I call in everything, & now that is upgrading, to bring in more miracles

  • I wear a clock of energy protection daily, restoring it frequently - my gold merkaba, cocoon of light & wall of mirrors allowing the negativity of others to bounce back to them

We are here to raise the vibration of humanity & aid the healing of earth, she, & us, have been abused for too long. The week for calling in more of what we sense is missing from our lives (that we have blocked from entering) as we open up new dimensions within ourselves. The stargate portal of cosmic energies on Thursday is for welcoming all your heart desires, all you deserve, and were born at this time to achieve. The power to heal and transform is already within you, overthinking needs turning off, so we can come into greater union with each other - we are one. Joy, bliss, laughter and ease of living is our goal for everyone.



40 minutes is all we need & I email you with any guidance after the treatment:

1 hour + 30 minutes of soundscapes + energy activations to accelerate your healing:

Packages to commit to your journey:

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