The omniscient 11:11 Portal of Joy Energies 2024, is an energetic gateway for exhibiting the confidence, tranquility, and pleasure you yearn for into the present moment. The peak is on the 11th day of the 11th month of this infinity year, the portal is open for you to work with the energies, and stays ajar in the days afterwards, every month. Literally an 'all seeing eye' that recognises your magnificence and is set to reward you with all that your heart desires.

11:11 is a powerful symbol, a bridge between the material and spiritual worlds, a reminder from the universe that you are on the right path. Let’s stay focused on our goals, our vibrational frequency and all we are creating, within & outside of ourselves.
Our ability to detach from drama grows as we undertake increased levels of healing, cultivating a deep sense of peace within ourselves, detached from the chaos of the world. November is the month we let happiness reign, rising above fear mongering, inner fighting, and projected distress. The system tried to divide us, yet we come together, regardless of our differences, in views, lifestyle and history, to transmute energies of oneness.
1111 is one of the most frequently seen angel signs from the spirit realms, a lovely reminder that we are in a state of expansion, are protected and at one with God, angels & ascended masters. The unseen, yet felt, forces of energy from our spiritual guides are ramped up, let's take full advantage of the scaling up of the energies. Aligning our thoughts with the highest good, feeling into that which we most desire, as we radiate more love into the world.
We are being asked to penetrate the highest vibration, from each and every one of us, in full faith that everything is happening as it should. This is when you know you are enlightened, untouched by any external drama, comfortable with the uncomfortable, wholly aware all that is unfurling is a lesson, a test, and part of the human journey. Daily we activate our angel wings, embody our sovereignty, and become our golden dragon light selves, as this year of the dragon culminates. We step into a new phase of life, with no new age and no religion, embracing our pure divine essence, our God selves.
What we think we attract, I bring myself into the present moment, reconnecting constantly
God is a word I shied away from for many years, due to the association with the deceptive religions, the manipulated and controlled systems designed to enslave humans. Unfortunately causing souls to belief that they cannot think for themselves, or thrive, without worshiping an entity outside of them. Now knowing that we are to embody our god essence within, opening our hearts and minds to infinite possibilities.
The strong cosmic energy upgrades aren't going to change your life for you, you have to be courageous, conscious, concise, and direct, when choosing decisions that boost your life, and that of your family. To make the most of the energies, do not resist the push (gentle encouragement), address your thoughts, actions and level of healing. Are you still thinking negatively? About yourself, or others, or questioning, in doubt?
Let's respond to life, rather than reacting to it, activating our kundalini frequently to flip on the switches to hear, understand and respond to our body, it is your holy temple, your doorway to manifest your desires into form. To learn to trust the one within you, removing distrust, the inner punisher, stopping the parts of your self-conscious that used to spin out.

How do you know the battle you are in if you do not know the battleground? Dig deep, investigate your subconscious programming - I have 50% off Private Innerdance Online Sessions till 11:11, to help you unlock your hidden strengths and clear out your emotional, mental and physical closets once again. Type: DRAGON1111 at check & choose your time slot, can be applied to packages too, so massive discounts available
The energies are going to continue to grow, to press your buttons. When you cultivate peace within, the waves of energies serve to upgrade your mental, physical & emotional form drastically, reversing aging, healing and strengthen you. Innerdance sound and energy healing builds new neurological pathways in the brain. Complimenting your growth, dedicate time to it, rather than one week on, one week off, so that you see the greatest forever change. Us witches embody our healing abilities and strive to assist you in doing the same.
The 11:11 Portal of Love Energies 2024 is providing us with mental clarity, enhanced resilience & a desire to let more love & laughter in. The succeeding energy shifts are the Taurus Full Moon on 15th November, which I will post about next week. You matter, let the world see your magic, with no doubt of your brilliance and determination to upgrade your quantum energy field. I love you; we are one and you are your own creator of all that you want.