Wild energies throughout December as predicted, the catalyst of your healing journey, so although you may be 'busy' there is no escaping this stage. Super intense energies as we near the 12:12 Portal, then the Gemini Full Moon and Winter Solstice, then close the month with the 2nd New Moon of December. The energies are working for you, not against you, please know that.
Mercury Retrograde (MR), and the energies as a whole, will continue to shake things up. The body will show you what emotions are an issue, what is not resolved with an ache, pain and much more. It is your sign over the next few weeks to get manifesting, once you have energetically cleared your physical bodies, your auric fields and your thinking mind of the shite, everything is coming to the surface hence the increase in irritation, anger, hyper energies or extra sleep needed, many ‘symptoms’. For those experiencing exacerbated symptoms, it can be your problems yet also ancestral stuff wanting clearing. Huge triggers are forcing us out of alignment to get reset, rebalanced and healed to expanded heights.
Depending where in the body it is happening, will depend on the emotions screaming for attention. Some examples: root chakra, can be instability difficulties; liver is often stored anger; lungs holding onto grief; headaches, blockages within the crown & pineal gland, afraid to see clearly & unable to accept certain parts of self. Delving into the root cause and releasing the associated thought patterns will lead to healing + quiet quickly at this time. Less symptoms showing up for those not in resistance to the game of life, those that have done extensive healing and that are in trust, comfortable with, uncertainty.
Wonderful energies arising with the 12:12 Portal of Abundance, a gateway of opportunities that it would be very advisable to tune into the energies within and around you, identifying the areas of disconnection from your divine soul's purpose. 12 is the number of rapid growth and expansion and so working with these energies will welcome the correct alignment for your growth. The 12:12 Portal is OPEN until Solstice, 21st December, so enjoy all you manifest.

We then have the final full moon of the year on 15th December the Gemini Full Moon, also known as the Cold Moon, at 09:01 London, UK; 01:01 Los Angeles; 04:01 New York; 20:01 Sydney. The twin energies of Gemini are here to help you, be curious, communicative and speak your truth, much needed after the intensity of the last few weeks, be open to the newness on offer. Do a burning ritual on this day, scream at the pad and release in the river or out in nature and enjoy the lightness and relief this brings. See, within your minds eye, all the mental clutter, any confusion, and fear, releasing, travelling up to central sun for blazing away and replace the energy within you with big bubbles of love energy. Perception upgrades are once again important, improving our view of everything, so life feels easier and supplying you with mental clarity. It is the official end of MR (then we have the shadow period), it began and ends with the moon shifts, a chance to liberate your mind, body and soul. Any rituals, affirmations and mantras that you incorporate during this Full Moon will be amplified in strength to welcome in substantial blessings and simpler manifesting.
What are you choosing to manifest this moon cycle?
What would you most like to transform in your life?
The Schumann Resonance, which shows the natural electromagnetic vibrations within the Earth’s atmosphere, is confirming the intensity we are experiencing. The creation of energetic shifts in the frequencies occur when red solar plasma and high light vibrations strike the Earth’s surface. The colours and levels explained:

Blue = Low intensity, minimal activity, quiet time
Green/Neutral = Moderate, ‘normal’ time
Yellow + Orange + Red = High intensity, healing & clearing time, alerting you that any embedded toxic frequencies within your physical form are dismantling & requiring your attention for clearing. The toxins will appear as rashes, swelling, pain, aches, joint pain, migraines, all unique to you & the issues you hold, from this & past lifetimes.
White = Very high intensity, upgrade & activation ~ strong disturbances, spikes in the healing journey for sure, pushing the toxins out of your body, this is why we say December is going to be transformative.
Winter Solstice on Saturday 21st December 2024 brings us the cut off point, when we will decluttering ourselves, our homes and launch into a new era on Mother Earth. Please apply all your self-care practices, feel into your heart and follow your intuition with precision. Plus it is the longest night and shortest day of the year that starts the journey to lighter, longer days, very gradually. Give yourselves a big hug from me and watch what you consume, including words, company, and places you go, hydrate twice the amount and enjoy being your authentic self.
Boundaries, protection, and loving life is our calling, as we let go of outdated habits and permit ourselves to blossom, thrive and vibrate above the ‘chaos’. The celestial events aid us with closing the year renewed, rejuvenated and frequently rising above the egoic battering thoughts. A busy energy month with the 1212 Portal, Gemini Full Moon, Winter Solstice, please consent for positivity to be your focus, big changes for many and a massive reset for us all. Listing all that you are grateful for, the achievements you have made in 2024, and those you plan to continue to take action towards, will assist with the mental clarity and preparation for the powerful energies of 2025.
+44 (0)7949089265
Link to the Moon Calendar for 2025