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Writer's pictureEmma

Capricorn Full Moon July 2024

Updated: Jul 19

Massive waves of light and energetic frequencies, that are new to Mother Earth, are streaming into our spheres. How this is interpreted by you, relies on your appetite for expanded healing, advance practices of habitually renewing your perception, and going beyond the confines of your previous self.

One month on from Solstice, we have the second Full Moon in Capricorn on Sunday 21st July at 12:19 Europe; 11:19 London, UK; 03:19 Los Angeles; 06:19 New York & 20:19 Sydney.

Authenticity Is Your Super Power

When you decide to work with these energies your dreams come into your reality super fast. Capricorn traits that are surfacing include vocation adjustments, and letting go forever of what you think others perceive about you. Awareness of all that you have, and are achieving, in your life time and magnified guidance from your inner gps, your intuition is surfacing in.

Authenticity is your super power, an energetic vibration that is stronger than love, and very important for your ascension. Energetically the extreme darkness is floating away, hence why they are pulling out all the stops of what remains in their control. Please do not worry or concern yourself, the news is set to cause more upset, but there is a lot of positivity occur everywhere, when we look for it. A lunar phase of balance, rejuvenation and reassessment of you, enjoy!

The air we breathe, the way we function, and the healing rays of the sun, has substantially improved. This is why the sun is literally being blocked from certain countries, severely damaging farming, insects, and, the mental health of all those who live there. Many will only believe this in years to come, but they can, and do, play with the weather, to further control humanity. If your country stands up and says stop, then change will occur, too many choose to hide from this truth, so this is going to take a collective desire to cancel the powers that be from walking all over areas of society.

Huge energetic shifts each day, as I mentioned the other day on TikTok, permitting our senses to be extremely heightened, and our cosmic sight has grown. We want to protect souls from errors but, like having kids, we must let people make their own 'mistakes', as they are incredible lessons for their path. They choose to get off the hamster wheel of repeated cycles, or not, breakthrough healing is here. Mantra: My wounds are healed, the plaster has been removed from the past, and I am no longer obliged to carry it with me.

Your body will speak to you, when a blockage needs work, the acute energies will cause you to slow down, when required, to allow the integration to be extensively accepted into our physical form. I listen to one of our magical Innerdance playlists, and energetically realign my power nodes, grounding into nature, and building renewed trust, in myself and all that we are capable of achieving every morning. Innerdance is an exquisite tool for resetting the neurons in the brain, disorganising to reorganise you, a powerful resetting. Entering into a regression to return to our indigenous roots, and easily assimilate the vibrational upgrades. I would love to help more of you, weekly online via Zoom, or Privately 1:1, yes a dark night of the soul may occur, if needed, but also a level of nirvana, and peace, that is superb too. It is time to up level your healing and acceptance of the part you play in the ascension of human consciousness.

Strength comes from standing in your power, constantly tuning into the energies, and your galactic support teams, upping your healing, and spending time in nature, especially by water. What you see as true for you is a lovely choice, made each morning on waking, as we experience another day of heaven on earth.

Self-regulation is a big theme, we are re-calibrating ourselves, find adventures and healing that let you welcome the improved energies with ease and grace. The expansion of energies will be gargantuan with the peak of the Lions Gate Portal 8:8:2024, so there is plenty of preparation time to increase your recovery from the past, your self-love, and your desire to alter the way we live, forever.

Have a magical Capricorn Full Moon Week July 2024, the energies are palpable already, the time we have awaited is finally here. If I can assist you with advancing your journey then do get in touch or book directly online, we have seen some wonderful advancements with souls participating with Innerdance recently (online via Zoom). Quantum Healing is fully remote, 40 minutes of relaxation, realignment of your chakras and clarity around what needs your attention; Intuitive Readings can be done via Zoom & Coaching too. Our mindset is key to our success and thriving at this pinnacle time of life on Earth.

We are in the shadow period of Mercury Retrograde, it starts on 4th-27th August, so a time to get projects started/in place/shifts made towards our goals, then we can go into a planning stage during the peak time. How you react to planetary shifts depicts the results you achieve, lets fly through this one, and ensure we stay clam, peaceful and energetically external to any stresses of others.

Much love, Namaste


+44 (0)7949089265

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