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New Moon in Capricorn

Writer's picture: EmmaEmma

Updated: Dec 27, 2024

The energetic doorways of 2025 burst open in a positive light with the new beginnings frequencies of the New Moon in Capricorn on Monday 30th December at 22:27 London, UK; 23:27 Madrid, Spain; 14.27 Los Angeles; 17.27 New York & on 31st December at 09.27 in Sydney. Grounding our plans ~ our new word for dreams ~ into reality as we vibrate higher, follow our heart felt intuition, and summon the life we desire into the here and now.

Quantum Energy Field Connection

The 2nd New Moon of the month is all about embodying our full connection to divine source, in the understanding that everything we need is here in the present moment, even if it is not visible to the eye, we feel it. We daily perform cleansing rituals, restoring our quantum energy fields, complete regular grounding, and restoration of self, techniques, hydrate and rewrite our journey. Our external world is a reflection of our inner world, our subconscious thoughts, and all that we believe. If you do not like what you see, change it, with insight shifts, consciousness thinking + actions, and being the vibrational match for what you would like.

The darker months (on this side of Mother Earth) and start of the 'new year' see us question everything, often out of societal habit. The real energy year begins with Ostara Spring Equinox, 20th March 2025, a wonderful day to review, and expand upon, the resolutions and intentions that you set as we close 2024. For some the year commences with the luna Chinese calendar on 29th January. Dark January is not the month to saddle yourself with multiple tasks to upgrade your world, be gentle with yourself.

The key personality traits of Capricorn that can aid us with the adjustments are vocation improvements, such as resigning, reassessing, learning/reawakening a new skill & creating new businesses; relationship redefinements ~ enhancing what you have, developing new habits or moving on; and perception upgrades, no longer being concerned with what others think or feel about you. Authenticity is the highest emotion, superior to love, that we strive to emanate in every interaction. This then sees you naturally call in what aligns most with your plans (dreams).

Regardless of how 'busy' December is for you, I strongly suggest taking some time for you, to focus on your goals, and that for your family. The universal energies are matching the vibrational frequency we emit; therefore, we manage our energies moment by moment, and switch any troublesome egoic thoughts to trusting and optimistic visions.

Our goal is to step into 2025 with no fear, no doubt, and no sense of lack, completely trusting the flow of life ~ this is Christ consciousness, this is what the mass awakening is all about. Everyone living in energies of love, unity, divine intelligence and deep awareness of our personal power. You know that if you are out and someone randomly smiles, it lifts your mood, imagine the advancements we can make by exuding love and compassion for everyone and everything 24/7. It is about correcting the ego thoughts, overwriting them to rewire your brain, it takes practice, practice and more practice. Do not beat yourself up, metaphorically, if this occurs, these are opportunities to notice where you are still grasping onto limiting beliefs and doubts, no perfection only practice.

A mantra for jolting yourself back into the present moment, when the ego jumps in: 'I now know all there is to know in this moment'.

When you doubt your connection to infinite possibilities that is when your hologram (life) reflects this back to you. Therefore, we lift ourselves back into alignment, applying all the practices we have learnt. We have no attachment to results, we release the desire for immediate magic to appear, and let go of any resistance, so we consequently, then naturally, reverse the flow of energies. As you rewire your energy and beliefs, becoming peaceful, in trust and presence, your higher intelligence engages with the hologram of life on a magnificent level of co-creating with the universe, with others and effortlessly manifesting. We then experience miracles, way beyond what our ego could imagine, hence why we work tirelessly to quieten the ego.

2024 Year of the Dragon


~ Complete a gratitude & achievement list for 2024

~ List your greatest intentions for 2025, + smaller ones per week, adding to them daily/weekly/monthly as you feel called to + as your accomplishments redefine what is next

~ Begin planning a vision board, this can be contributed too + activated in January, no rush

~ Release any 'pressure' to have to do any of these things, only engage if you want to be more in control of your journey

Writing intentions, and gratitudes, down, activates different parts of the brain ~ language, memory, motor and cognitive processing systems ~ to generate more powerful outcomes, and feelings of certainty within yourself. This then increases the levels of confident and productive energies and actions you produce.

2025 is the year of the Snake where you may very well experience a spontaneous kundalini

awakening, as your super powers fully come back online. We are all divine, sovereign souls, expanding our DNA, growing our understanding of self, and embodying our Genetic Original Design ~ GOD within us. Activating your kundalini regularly accelerates your life journey, boosting your levels of self-love, consciousness, and understanding of your innate inner resilience energies and ability to heal yourself, and others. Do get in touch if you want my assistance in managing your kundalini fire, you can book online sessions here.

We go into divine trust now, emanating energies of love, authenticity, and no judgement, so this is our habitual way of living. This can then only rub off on all whom we interact with, the same as if someone is angry, sad, confused, you mirror back to them these emotions, so let's permeate cheerful, confident energies, raising our vibration and that of the collective.

As we near the end of 2024, figuring out who we are, realising who we are, why we are here and how our holographic reality works leads to us seeing the bigger picture and entering new realities, what we refer to as timeline shifts. We are at the tipping point, the old ways of thinking, and doing, no longer work, the energies will nudge (scream!!!) at you until you move beyond survival mode and external control. It really is a case of ignore this and you risk still calling in the current reality of lack, confusion and not nice stuff.

Choosing to 'do the work' with the New Moon energies, relearning thoughts and removing ingrained patterns, will reinforce your energetic frequency of positivity. Emanating no anger or resistance or 'fighting' so we can literally switch the vibration of Mother Earth, this is how we eliminate wars, conflicts and judgement. Stepping into your own alignment, addressing your problems from a higher perspective = solutions naturally flow. This is Christ consciousness, causing you to emanate a completely different frequency, one that transcends conflict and division, rewriting the world of battles and problems, they just will not be able to exist.

Have an amazing holiday season, don't get me started on Satan, whoops Santa, and the mass satanic ritual humanity performs by indulging in the old customs of Christmas. Spending quality time together in laughter and happiness is wonderful though, there are many positives we can attain from the forced celebration time. The biggest non-conformity, empowerment practices we can undertake are by connecting to our divine source energies, knowing everything we need is already provided in the present moment and that we are not separate from God, creation or infinite abundance. Embodying these beliefs ~ Christ consciousness ~ will see the manifestation of your dreams unfold with lightning speed.

The Solstice energies were epic, super encouraging, creating possibilities we had only previously dreamt of, let us now build on these energies as we close out this infinity year of the dragon. Plus, the days start to get lighter, slow, yet surely, how very exciting. I am writing an article with the full predictions for 2025, publication date 28th December. Do check the Moon Calendar too, so that you can work with the favourable energy shifts during each month next year. Have a stunning week and use your time, thoughts, and actions wisely, I love you, am super proud of you and all you are achieving.



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