Crystal are incredible for healing, protection and manifesting our goals and dreams and one fabulous example of this is a grid for prosperity. I have placed mine (in the picture above or below) on my altar and used pennies and red ribbon, if you have Chinese coins then use them. Creating Crystal Grids is all about enhancing the flow of energy within your home and, in this instance, to bring greater abundance and wealth to your world, the grid works to activate the environment around you.
When selecting its location, make sure it is in an area where you will see it every morning and night, to remind you to visualise the intention as having happened already. It can be a good idea to place the grid in your meditation area so that you can tune in and focus on working with the grid and manifesting as you complete your meditation practice.
What you need:
Either 12 pennies or Chinese coins, tie them together with red cord or ribbon
4 Citrine Stones
5 Clear Quartz Stones
8 Pyrite Stones
4 Agate Stones (Tree, Pink, Purple or Blue Agate)
2 Aventurine Stones
Print out the Flower of Life (below) or if you already have a cloth or wooden version, please use that. As you set the grid up, visualise your dreams and desires around prosperity and wealth coming to fruition and repeat the intention until completed and each time you see the grid.

#1 Follow the grid in the image, first placing the coins with the cords pointing outward and add them to the north, south, east and west directions on the Flower of Life. I used the compass on my iPhone, any compass is great.
#2 Add the Citrine stones on top of the coins to activate the prosperity energy.
#3 Place the Clear Quartz on the exterior of each of the coins, this gives clarity on how you want to create the wealth.
#4 The Pyrite provides the energy of the sun and riches, add two Pyrite stones in between each pile of coins.
#5 Then add the Agate on the interior of the Pyrite stones to activate the Pyrite for wealth.
#6 Next, place two Aventurine stones on the east and west sides of the grid. These are Good Luck stones and strengthen the Prosperity Grid.
#7 Finally, add a Clear Quartz stone in the centre and repeat your intention. It can be a good idea to write the intention on a small piece of paper and place underneath the Clear Quartz.
Most grids use a single crystal as the central / anchor stone and various sets surrounding the central point, often in multiples of six but each is different and you can choose to follow guidance or select the crystals that you are most drawn when planning to build new grids. Follow your intuition, set an intention for the desired outcome, and select crystals that work well together and resonate with the grid's overall purpose. I shall be setting new dates for the Crystal Reiki Courses soon, email if you are interested, I am happy to be flexible around dates and my clients, you will need to trained to Reiki Level II, at least, in order to undertake the course.
Good Luck and enjoy the process, do comment below if this is useful or if you have any questions.
Have a great day.
+44 (0) 7949089265