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Crystals For 5G Protection & Balance in Chaos

Writer's picture: EmmaEmma

Updated: Dec 19, 2023

Crystal suggestions for embracing the healing powers of nature's medicine to aid your life journey, personal growth, and protection for the damaging EMF's. The effects on the physical form of the electromagnetic shite that is all around us every day is being felt by many. I turn off my Wi-Fi at nighttime; keep my phone across the other side of the room, if I do need to use the alarm, if not I turn it off all together and place it in another room. WiFi is affecting growth hormones, in you and your children, harming your pets and your physical, emotional and mental wellbeing. Something many won't 'understand' until many years have passed but if you can realise the extent of the damage that is being caused to you and your family now, then you win. Simple practices can be put in place, having protective crystals by your TV, Computer, stuck to your phones, by your front door etc will benefit everyone.

Radiation Protection

Shungite - know as the miracle stone, the neutraliser, and it is excellent for purify and detoxing the body. A great emotional healer, relieving stress and anxiety, soothing insomnia and boosting overall balance. Especially good for shielding you from electromagnetic radiation from phones, computers and televisions. In Stock: Shungite Mobile Phone Plate Sticker & Key rings.

Black Tourmaline - excellent for repelling and protecting against negativity and aids intellectual acuity, emotional stability, understanding yourself and increasing physical vitality. It deflects radiation energy, place by technology or on your person. Health: Releases tension, good for spinal issues and helps treat paranoia, overcome dyslexia and improve hand-eye coordination. In Stock: Rough Black Tourmaline & Tumblestones.

Selenite - one of the Angel Stones that helps to remove energy blockages in the body. It promotes clarity of mind and enables strong decision-making abilities and good business practices. Use on the Heart chakra for truth and honesty in relationships. Health: Spinal column, aids flexibility and helps prevent epileptic seizures, arthritis and good for nurturing children. In Stock: Selenite Towers & Spiral, place on your desk, by your bed or all 4 corners of your home for protection and grounding.

Extremely Grounding

Hematite - very protective, absorbs negative energy and is calming in times of stress or worry. Protective, grounding and assists you in releasing self-imposed limitations. A stone of balance that strengthens confidence and is great when your Root Chakra is out of sync. Health: Cleansing kidney, absorption of iron, anxiety and insomnia, leg cramps & much more. In Stock: Bracelets & Tumblestones.

Personal Healing, Growth, Greater Understanding of Self & Spiritual Awakening

Pinolith - a stone of optimism, for clearing emotional clutter and boosting creativity and imagination. Aids with: positive visualisation, eliminating negativity and improving self-esteem. Excellent for achieving the highest state of meditation and opening your heart chakra, to aid further activate the crown chakra and third eye. Encourages seeing the truth in situations to allow you to acknowledge and release negative emotions and attain a greater sense of self. In Stock: Tumblestones.

Lemurian Seed Crystal is a master crystal that holds a special vibration bringing higher

levels of consciousness and spiritual awakening. Strong feminine energy. Aids communicating with spirit guides & guardian angels. Personal talisman for money, wealth,

healing ailments, increasing self-belief plus unconditional love and strength.In Stock: Point.

Eudialyte - for emotional healing to help you discover your life path and let go of situations when relationships need to change / come to an end. A peaceful, supportive stone that helps you to create a purposeful, fulfilling life and release pessimistic feelings that can cause depression and stress plus increases self-love and acceptance. In Stock: Tumblestones.

Iolite - a stone of vision to stimulate the imagination, work with your intuition and attain emotional balance. Excellent for the energies of 2020, aiding in cultivating spiritual understanding and psychic powers. Good for weight loss / management and fitness. In Stock: Tumblestones.

Rhyolite - A stone of regeneration that enhances energy levels, confidence and memory, reduces stress and eases physical and emotional trauma. Great stone for Lightworkers. Health: Infections, nervous system, glands, cleansing the liver, multiple sclerosis, sciatica & Parkinson's. In Stock: Tumblestones.

Apatite – Increase Your Appetite for Life

A crystal for ‘clearing the way’ when adulting and emotional confusion clouds our perception of self, restoring our flow. The energy that lies within is the key to eternal happiness. For: clarity, self-expression and calming stress around adulthood responsibilities. Truly knowing yourself is vital (Distance Reiki Treatments help with this too). In Stock: Tower & Tumblestones.

Rhodonite - Forgiveness, a stone of grace and elegance that decreases anger, anxiety and stress and promotes unconditional love. Emotional healing, balance, confidence and inner growth. Health: Heal trauma, joint inflammation, ears, immune system, throat and heart disorders. In Stock: Palmstones.

Dumortierite – stand up for yourself, take control of your own life & increase patience. Brain stimulating, enhances intellectual abilities, great for study, will power & stabilising emotions. In Stock: Tumblestones.

Rainbow Moonstone - a powerful spiritual stone that enhances your intuition and psychic abilities and is a form of Labradorite (not Moonstone). Perfect for aiding the release of repressed feelings and starting over, on a whole new level. Highly protective against negative energies, strengthens the aura and inspires new beginnings.

Green Calcite - Nickname: This Too Shall Pass. A stone for transformation, to create energies of abundance so your intentions are realised, excellent for manifesting a bright future, increasing communication, spiritual balance and mental fortitude. Break out of your comfort zone and transform your world. In Stock: Rough Pieces, varying sizes.

Gold Sheen Obsidian - a powerful stone that creates a protective shield that deflects negativity and repels attempts by others to assert power over us. Excellent for helping you uncover our unique skills and hidden talents and to clear any blockages that are preventing your spiritual and personal growth. Provides you with insight into resolving problems whilst removing egotistical thinking. Gold Obsidian can assist you in reclaiming our personal power and to work on a higher level with the Universe for the highest good of all beings. In Stock: Palmstone.

Smoky Quartz - a very protective and grounding stone that brings physical and psychic protection. Aids removal of negative energy and stress and perfect for use during meditation. Health: Ailments of the abdomen, hips and legs. Relieves pain, headaches and benefits the reproductive system, muscle and nerve tissue and the heart. Dissolves cramps, strengthens the back and fortifies the nerves. In Stock: Smoky Quartz Point & Tumblestones.

Agate Dendritic - great for personal growth, self-examination and removal of self-doubt, improving communication and desire to branch out into new pursuits. Agate promotes inner stability, composure and maturity. Encourages security and self-confidence and helps with pregnancy and is a protective amulet when travelling. In Stock: Tumblestones.

Tiger Eye - excellent for increasing self-worth, perception and achieving goals, a very grounding stone. Encourages the removal of self-criticism and blocked creativity and helps with stubbornness and enhancing personal insight and knowledge. Health: Treats the eyes and aids night visions, heals the throat and reproductive organs and helps repair broken bones. Chakra: Third Eye. In Stock: Keyring & Tumblestones.

Orange Calcite - excellent mentally, for releasing fear, balancing emotions, for depression and phobias. Calcite eases emotional stress and is great for protection & grounding. It cleans our elimination organs such as the bladder, bowel, and kidneys, helps you to absorb calcium, dissolve calcification that builds up on broken bones and aids arthritis. Place by your bed or in a prominent position, where you will see it daily. In Stock: Rough Pieces, varying sizes.

Using this time to accomplish a greater understanding of yourself, how you perceive the world and all you experience is very important so that we can live life on a whole new level now. For more in-depth information on EMF radiation and protection, I recommend visiting



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