Crystals have been used for thousands of years for healing, effecting human cells as the exchange of energy from the stones promotes healing, detoxification & regeneration and especially the largest organ, our skin!
Crystals have been used for thousands of years for healing, effecting human cells as the exchange of energy from the stones promotes healing, detoxification & regeneration and especially the largest organ, our skin!
One organism synchronises the energy of another with a lower vibration until the two share the higher frequency of the first, oscillating in sync together.
Crystal therapy is based on the entrainment principle, an approach embraced by almost every life science. One organism synchronises the energy of another with a lower vibration until the two share the higher frequency of the first, oscillating in sync together. Crystals are used for making things work, such as watches tick, and the understanding and growth has been phenomenal over the last few years.
Crystals are used in Beauty regimes and many products for Skin balancing, acne healing, pigments and the range includes:
Bloodstone for detoxification, increases the immunity of the skin to heal, aids with skin allergies & healing scars. **
Amethyst for calm, relaxing, rejuvenating
Tourmaline - radiates, lifts your mood & reduces stress, aids circulation & eliminates toxins, also improving water retention. Many different colours of this stone and they can contain iron, magnesium, potassium & aluminium. Tourmaline is used by energy healers in Japan for the physical and cosmetic therapy known as Kikohshi. (Do not use as an elixir as contains aluminium).
Citrine - optimism, creative, sunshine lift, seasonal depression
Rose Quartz - Rosy skin, love, self-esteem & self-worth
Malachite - transformation, deep energy cleanser, positive change
Moonstone - balance - hormones - heals skin disorders (Do not use as an elixir as contains aluminium).
Ruby - illumination
Aventurine - blood circulation, cleanse the skin
Rhodonite - main focus acne - the forgiveness stone, cleanse clogged pores & remove toxins as it fuels the blood vessels for healing. **
Chrysoprase - soothes inflamed cells around acne, increase absorption of vitamin C & is one I carry in my bra daily & I have seen a noticeable improvement in my skin :-)
Smoky Quartz - improves sensitivity of the skin draws in the negative energy, turning it into positive energy
Tiger's Eye - young & virile skin, the darker the patterns the better the results!
** All these ones are great to use for elixirs, to ingest the healing internally too, speeding up the skin repair and renewal.
Here are a few of the recent banners I created, for specific Crystal Healing topics, there is a lot more in the A-Z of Crystals on the website.

Have an awesome day.
+44 (0)7949089265