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Dynamic New Moon in Aries

Writer: EmmaEmma

We will be welcoming a much-needed energy shift on Tuesday 24th March at 9.28am (UK) with the next New Moon in Aries. The uncertainty we are experiencing will continue, so we need to embrace it as part of our journey and learn greater skills to cope in the chaos. One great thing that is occurring is the flourishing of our communities coming together to support each other in whole new ways. Kindness is thriving, which is awesome.

Aries is the sign of passion, motivation and confident leaders, who build community with relentless determination, perfect right now! The energies of this moon cycle are all about putting yourself first and fueling your drive to get things done on a whole new level. Self-kindness and self-care is super prominent, poignant with the health issues the world is experiencing. Selfishness was often seen as wrong but it is vital right now. One key thing to do is to throw out the worry that is being generated by the media and life's challenges. Worry compromises your immune system, your health and your focus.

The Fear Virus is the biggest threat to us all, Fear is False Evidence Appearing Real. For those looking for guidance do get in touch, reiki boosts your immune system, removes stress and fear and teaches you how to bring yourself back into balance when feeling overwhelmed. Booking an Intuitive Reading can help you to review what should be your focus, and where you are going based on your current thought processes, super helpful at this time, so we can come out the 'other side' of this and flourish.

I predicted in December that this year would bringing massive changes for many of us and they are arising to lead us to bigger and better things. It is about riding the waves of uncertainty and confusion and constant change, seeing what we can learn, to grow into greater ways of living. The cosmic energies are awakening many souls and welcoming them to open to different ways of thriving. The reality we have been used to is changing, embrace those hidden skills, nurture your life path and allow your heart felt dreams to come true.

Each day It is a good idea to:

  • Set an intention

  • Write or verbalise 3 things you are grateful

  • Listen to a meditation

  • Go for a walk in nature

  • Practice deep breathing exercises

  • Take care of you and manifest your wildest dreams

"Every action, thought and feeling is motivated by an intention and that intention is a cause that exists as one with an effect." Gary Zukav

We will come out the other side of all this as strong, happier and more connected souls, enjoying this journey together. Work on your perception, your happiness, health and overall wellbeing.

"When you start using your personality to serve the greater calling that your soul came here for, nobody can touch you" Oprah Winfrey

Lets use these experiences, the feelings of overwhelm and constant negativity that the news is perpetuating, to grow, retrain our thoughts and blossom, no matter what is going on around us. We are all amazing, be strong, be kind and love yourself and those in your world. Tap into your authentic power and act on it, so that you can distinguish between love and fear and choose love, no matter what is going on outside of you.

The New Moon Ritual can be found by clicking the link here. This is a time of upgrade of the way to thrive in this physical form. Although it started as man made, we need this massive shift to force the world to evolve, and release we are all connected and there is more to the world than the five senses. We are multi-sensor beings and we can tape into the energies around us as we become more enlightened, open and fearless.

I do hope you are all doing ok, if you need help or want to use this time to learn Reiki, about Crystals, Creative Visualisation & more then we can do it via SKYPE. The prices are discounted to because this is a huge chance for the population to awaken and I want to help as many people as possible.



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