Today we step into the regenerative energies of the Festival of Imbolc, celebrating the beginning of Spring, in the northern hemisphere, with the Swan Maiden Goddess, Brigid. The goddess of renewal, creativity, and fertility. On Sunday we enter the 2:2 Energetic Portal of opportunities, shining a light on your relationship with yourself and your reality. A lovely weekend of uplifting energies, helping us out of the energetically turbulent week!
January was as energetically crazy as we predicted, and what unfolds for you for the rest of the year depends entirely on how you choose to manage your energetic frequency ~ especially your perceptions and your thoughts. It has been a challenging few days, lowering our vibrational energy fields, as we navigate the extreme changes within and outside of ourselves. We are battling with dark energies, spiritual warfare, which is leading to dips, and unprecedented highs, in our confidence and self-trust. We are on a sinking ship ~ the matrix - on our way to board the best voyage of our lifetimes. Let us call in, feel into, and visualise the massive shifts into our present physical existence. You have so got this!
Energetically February & March 2025 are going to be just as pivotal for us, so let's keep working on ourselves, to permit more wonderfulness in. It really is about exiting from any negative thoughts, your lack of belief in yourself, that sometimes arises. With the gloopy energies this week it may well have risen up to the surface way too many times. The Lightworkers, Starseeds, and awakened ones, are the healers of the world and if you are struggling, you are encouraged to utilise their abilities to assist you right now.
The concept of time is something we are moving away from yet these next 8 weeks are your chance to move deeper into your brilliance and the transformations you desire.
The Lunar New Year of the Snake of death and rebirth, has begun and we all now have a snake totem guiding us throughout 2025. Supplying you with added power, discernment, and all the synchronicities to ignite your personal inner flame. Your kundalini life force energy has officially been tickled and will not be dismissed by you, no matter how hard you want to resist all that is coming up. Fancy a session with me soon? I would love to help you leap over the energetic hurdles with ease.
Snakes have venom, and the energies will be 'drawing out' all the poisons held within you, you choose how to manage this process by selecting your energies. The toxins of your past have led you to this point. Your wounds are fully visible - take the necessary steps to release everything that no longer fits with who you are now.
You are a divine sovereign soul, who is meant to live in freedom. Snakes demand your full presence and this is the medicine of 2025. We habitually pull ourselves back into the now, and the energy of the snake will ensure you remain awake to the truth of life. Helping you to harmonise your world, in divine timing, yet with constant nudges to return to your magnificence.
My online innerdance sessions are all about surrendering, shedding the old, as you face and clear everything. Each class accelerates the embodiment of your kundalini life force energies, the healing of your masculine and feminine self. Most prominently, your root chakra, the home of your humanity ~ your creativity, sensuality and the foundation of your energies. Ready to start today? Weekly sessions** for the first 4-6 weeks will prepare you for all that is to come this year and regularity sees maximum results. Giving you no time for 're-hiding' from yourself in between experiences, no pushing down of any pain, trauma, distress or lack of self-worth. Do message me with any questions, as a collective we are in a little bit of a rush to get more souls fully in love with themselves. 2025 is the shedding of ancient skins, rubbing of the scales to renew you.
Managing our ego, closing the parts we do not want and building on our creative energies is a big theme. You are rebirthing a new chapter and regenerating. The energies of February and March may call you to rest, to not push hard against something that is not working out, yet insisting you take inspired actions towards your magical future. It is all about balance.
We edit the wardrobe of our thoughts, recategorising and decluttering, so we become whole, to hold the torch for others. New beginnings and opportunities to redefine life. To my fellow lightworkers, we regularly increase our energetic vibration to maintain the collective energies, as many freak out. They are kicking and screaming, refusing to obtain energetic sovereignty. You are the most adaptable version of you, the compassionate witness for others awakenings, staying calm as they overreact. We hold nothing personally; we demonstrate to them how beautiful life can be, while ensuring the highest care for ourselves.
2025 is a highway of adaptability. We are willing to take action, to learn all that is required, and undergo a metamorphosis into our divine butterfly selves. Major changes are happening external to us, hence the urgency for us to reform, regroup and rebirth as communities. The next two months are for internal clean ups, letting go of grief, sadness and forgiving ourselves. An unavoidable revolution is opening up, our abundance is reevaluating, as what is dear to our hearts evolves. You are allowed all you desire, you are worthy of the life you want, let it in!
During the later part of the year, it is paramount that you become aware of what is yours to do/deal with, and what is not yours. Where we share our energies will be heightened as the mass global shifts take hold. Your higher consciousness, your sovereign spiritual self, the god within you, is your protector, activator and guide this year of the snake. We are multi-dimensional; we welcome the support and intuitive guidance of our teams and open our hearts and minds to the new.
I wish I could type this paragraph to disappear once read ~ there will be an attempt at a form of lockdown. My intention: humanity will refuse to be passive and rise in response, meeting any challenges head on. One big reason I want you all doing the deep healing work now, so you are in your personal strength for the second half of the year. The clock is ticking. I am excited about my 2025 Energy Predictions ~ Part 2 blog helping even one of you remove those limiting patterns forever.
We live as our authentic selves, co-creating, and living in our mastery. There is no room for doubt, fear, or judgement. You know what to do - let's get on with the task in hand and review everything that is potentially blocking our path, so it can leave, for good. You are a butterfly, a catalyst for the transformations, a diamond in the heart of Mother Earth.
+44 (0)7949089265
It am going to be added some longer videos ~ energy lessons, more free stuff, to my YouTube this month - see some of you over there Handserenity YouTube
**Many discounts when purchasing more than one session ~ click on explore packages