Optimism is in the air with the final New Moon of 2020 on December 14th at 16.16 pm (UK), 8.16am (PST) and falls in the sign of Sagittarius, with a total eclipse in the mix as well. Renewed motivation and enthusiasm are plentiful with the lucky sign of Sagittarius but we just need a Plan B as a back-up, as the energies are truly challenging us right now at every corner. The additional eclipse energies conceal before they reveal, so read the fine print, cover your back and double check everything. Pulling the positive out of the craziness is key and remember nothing is quiet as it seems, not what we feel need but what is required for us to step up to a higher level of consciousness. Ride with the energies, we are being severely challenged but many positives are to be found, we must just keep digging!
Exploratory energies are showing up, investigate, question and distance yourself from those whose perception of life is obscure. Loving each other, communicating beautifully, clearly and lovingly, and caring about others (and yourself) are the focus. We are heading towards a New Year and the energies are feisty, verbalise clearly and thrive beyond belief! Holding things close to your chest is not recommended; you will fall down and be made to face all you refused to release this year. Better to clear everything ready now so that you are able to embody the benefits of energy shifts and are ready for 2021.

The amount of positivity you feel and draw from this cycle depends on your mindset. It is tough so we have to dig deep; energy vampires are showing up constantly! Protect yourself daily, build those mirrors (more details here) around you and do not allow them to steal the powerful energies you possess. When you can sense the negative karma that another is choosing to generate for themselves step away, it is their journey. We are all amazing beings and it is an exciting time of change, growth and laughter.
A birth of a new consciousness has arrived, learn all you can and adjust your perception and mindset accordingly. We are experiencing a new energy wave, that began yesterday (9th Dec) and it is known as a plasma wave of energy. They are very rare but much needed at this time. This wave of energy is building to an escalation on 20th December, the time of the Winter Solstice, and is very exciting! The biggest upgrade for our consciousness and a massive improvement in our DNA. Open your heart and know that everything is happening exactly as it should, no matter how chaotic your journey has been in 2020.
Those on a spiritual path (or beginning too start) are being called to fully open the 3rd Eye and live in a new level of consciousness, beyond anything we have seen and felt before. It is a new era of solutions and our ability to thrive even with turbulence surrounding us.
Complete a New Moon Ritual, bathe in the energies and embrace all the miracles that are opening up. Believe and you will achieve, our personal strength and power is magnifying and encouraging us to truly change and live in a whole new way.
If you want help with any of this, message me, we can do an Intuitive Reading via Skype, to look at your life path; a Distance Reiki Energy Healing Treatment, to ensure you release all that has held you back previously or I can teach you Reiki Level I, allowing you to heal energy daily. We require this crescendo of energies during December and it is going to be a stunning few weeks of laughter, love and enjoyment of the moment. Do not be fearful, anxious or worried about anything, it will not change the outcome and will hinder your successes.
Happy goal setting, manifesting and cleansing of your energies, thought processes and healing journeys that are unfolding. You have got this; excitement is the focus and building the life of your dreams. This year has taught us to not 'wait until tomorrow, today is the day (every single day!). Undertake more grounding habits, personal energy healing, meditation and listening to videos, recordings and books that will increase your personal journey of growth and enjoyment of life on a daily basis. This moon cycle we are encountering a gargantuan period of spiritual awakening and alterations in personal perception, thinking and in our ability to heal from any chaos.
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