The 2nd Full *SuperMoon* of the month is on Thursday 31st August 2023 in Pisces at 02:35 in London, UK; 18:35 Los Angeles; 21:35 New York & 11:35 in Sydney, Australia. It will deliver the twin flame fish of Pisces back to us, a unity of divine feminine and divine masculine. energies, filling us up with magnificent energies. Things are flipping back to the way they should be, aided by the energies of Eris, the deity of strife and discord. Of course, that is the name of the new 'variant' that they are making up...they always shove the truth at us 'disguised' in other forms. Eris the warrior deity is coming to shake things up with a group of sednoids (planets), this will provide solar flares of energy to strengthen us, causing the masses to awaken further, so we can call in how we are supposed to. All the retrograde planets are also aiding the transition of our lives to something far better than we could ever have imagined. It is a magical time to be alive, the transformative energies continue to upgrade us daily and provide the inner changes we desire. Be conscious of what you wish for, every time you put out that which you want, the universal energies will assist you.
We need to actualise the change we want right now. The orchestrated attack on Maui was an attack on all of us - Hawaii is the mountain tops of Lemuria, where some of us originated from, and that is not the only place under attack, Canada, Los Angeles - all 'natural' disasters - pinocchio springs to mind. The truth of that situation is revolting, happy to share if anyone wants more info, I am not sharing the full details openly here. We have known for a long time about the revolting habits of the elite, and it is finally being aired online, most prominently TikTok, as the other sites are controlled by those involved in the trafficking and abuse of our young, the destruction of planet earth and the people on it, for their own gains and the mind control of the collective.
The old world is crumbling, as we unify and generate a beautiful way of living with our powerful energies, so that we can birth a new earth, a new way of being. A young man that I treated yesterday, who does boxing as a hobby, said 'we all bleed the same'...the eternal colour of us, the different languages we speak, and how we live, should never separate us - we were taught to judge others by how they look, speak etc. Often the kindness and most generous people are those with nothing, or very little, happily giving to others. Stand strong beautiful soul, this is the beginning of an amazing time here on Mother Gaia.
There are numerous positives showing up everywhere, like the power of a song - North of Richmond by Oliver Anthony uniting the world, people from all walks of life, raising awareness about the horrid level of suicide, especially amongst men and the corrupt control that was previously believed to be the only way to live. Helping souls more openly admit their struggles, and come together. The reactions on TikTok make my heart sing, non-country folks fully appreciating the truthfulness of each word.
How are you feeling with the energy shifts? When we experience strong ascension symptoms, it can be a trigger to aid us in recognising what we need to work through. I have noticed the need for sleep is reducing, the desire for less food, the ease with which each day flows - remember everything is a choice. If you feel stuck, then don't allow it to be a bad day, just a bad moment, you are amazing! Our goal is for a free world, with people earning money for enjoyment, living more in line with nature, and welcoming more fun into every day. Our manifesting is truly on fire, see it, dream it, believe it and bring it into material form.

Performing a ritual this Full Moon is strongly recommended, but you do you, entirely your choice, decluttering your home and mind is very high on the agenda for us to evolve and thrive. Letting go of any density, stepping away from any energies that are not in alignment with your truth nourishes and strengthens your soul. If you want assistance, get in touch and we can get you booked in.
September will be a month to stay out of fear, like never before, tune in every moment, a fast-moving month were throwing away any confusion outside of yourself is so very important. The dark elite are trying to take control of all of you, in unprecedented ways, which is beautifully forcing us to come together and be our f**king awesome selves. Buckle up, trust your intuition, allow it to be on fire, and don't allow doubt to have any time in your day.
The 23rd September 2023, the Fall Equinox is THE day when you will feel a big shift in the energies - it is NOT the 'catastrophe' that the dark elite will try to scare you with. A comet is going to show up, appearing to run into the Sun on 23rd - they will merge for approximately 15 minutes - a powerful eclipse...opening the doorway to wonderful energies, pre the 8th April 2024. Guide those around you to manage their energies, to stand in their truth, communicate clearly, and step away from anyone or anything that makes them uncomfortable, your intuitive energies never lie, trust YOU. The dark elite will throw things at us, testing what will stick, what you will allow them to get away with - do not engage, ignore the 'new' dis-ease info, ignore their lies, corruption and self-perpetuating bullshit. Please don't inject yourself with any more of that poison, so many have been crippled and died because of it. Direct the younger souls, especially the baby starseeds, to communicate all they see, sense and feel, so you can help them manage the magic, not the fear, as the changes occur.
Let's pretend it is a funny 'game', laugh, create our beautiful lives, enjoying each moment and having oodles of fun. To all the wayshowers, lightworkers, awakened ones...our time has come, all our work is paying off, we have always been in control, we just forgot!!! I love you, time to get things back to the way they were. Have a stunning week, play with Mercury Retrograde, don't let the energies unsettle you, breathe, reset and now the 'issues' are happening for a reason. I had some yesterday trying to get onto Zoom for my Online Innerdance Kundalini Activations, a lady overslept, so it meant she still got too full enjoy the process as I was delayed also, all happened as it should.
+44 (0)7949089265
I would love to activate more of you on 9th Sept, in London, UK: