It is that time of the month once again to revise your plans and reach for the stars. The next New Moon is in Cancer, on Tuesday 2nd July and is a major time to reassess your goals, write new lists and manifest those big dreams that you have always felt are out of reach. Do not wait, NOW is the best moment to get planning. It will also be a full Solar Eclipse, as we enter the next 6 month cycle, and it will be visible in the Southern Hemisphere, Pacific Ocean east of New Zealand, La Serena in Chile, Buenos Aires in Argentina with an amazing sunset on the east coast of South America. Energies will be shifting and lifting us up, we just need to embrace the changes, take the action and enjoy the ride!

The emotional fluctuations, exasperated by the full moon are going to continue. No longer 'making do' or tolerating people, places and situations, even though they make you unhappy, is on the agenda. Time to make the changes you have been wanting in your heart and soul and truly forgiving anyone who has caused pain, upset and misery. Sending them only love is key, so that you are released of any negativity. Worry and fear never changes the outcome of any situation! Let go of anything that does no resonate with your true being and enjoy working further on your healing, growth and personal balance.
Emotions and our awareness will be magnified, showing up in a big way to ensure that you do not ignore what needs working through so that you can better boost your life journey and clear out the old habits, thoughts and feelings. Learning greater ways to follow your intuition, your true life path whilst throwing out the ego and blossoming are vital NOW.
Happiness is a JOURNEY not a DESTINATION.
24 hours either side of the New Moon, it is recommended to list 5 more easily achievable and then 5 intentions that will see you thriving. Review them throughout the coming weeks and good luck with manifesting your dreams into reality. Listing the dates on your calendar can be a good call, so you can monitor emotional shifts affected by the moon cycles (remaining 2019 dates below & the ones for the full moon are HERE).
New Moon Remaining 2019 Dates & Times (UK)
2 July 20:16
1st August 04:11
30th August 11:37
28th September 19:26
28th October 03:38
26th November 15:05
26th December 05:13
We are all amazing and 'waking up', physically, emotionally and spiritually, is within the reach of all of us. If you want help with Spiritual Coaching then I have an introductory course available, more details HERE. We can all manifest miracles provided we believe.
Suggested New Moon Ritual:
Setting aside 20-30 minutes is great but 5-10 minutes is better than nothing!
Find a quiet space to work through this ritual - your sacred space is ideal
Have to hand: Smudging sticks (White sage / Palo Santo / Frankincense) or incense + candles, lighter/matches and a notebook and pen
Cleansing your whole space then your area of choice & yourself (figure of 8 across the body)
Light the candle(s)
Ground yourself, such as a sequence of deep breathes, to bring about feelings of calm & serenity.
Listening to calming, relaxing music sets the ambience
Do this ritual every New Moon with a new list and the yet to finalise items. Planning helps with the visualisation process
Setting daily intentions aids with the manifesting of your goals too
The ritual can be completed 24 hours either side of the New Moon
We enter the next period of Mercury Retrograde (MR) on July 8th until 1st August, more info about MR here, so finalise those plans, sign contracts and make things happen (preferably before the 8th!). Good luck with your planning, soul healing, manifesting and flourishing on a new level. I am taking some recharging time over the next week, will occasionally check emails and then catch up with you all on my 'return'.
+44 (0)7949089265