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Awakening To A Higher Level of Consciousness

Writer: EmmaEmma

The twelfth Chakra is often referred to as the Divine or Stellar Gateway, is shimmering gold and is our doorway to a higher level of consciousness. This chakra allows us to increase and stretch beyond our 'common' sphere of understanding into universal unity. It aids mastering the souls purpose, on an even greater level, and is a column of energy emanating from just above the crown chakra, up & out into the Universe. It is said that it's guardian is Archangel Metatron, THE Archangel who is bringing more spiritual divinity to many, encouraging a lot more of the world to truly 'wake up' and live more purposefully, opening the doorway for them to find greater balance, happiness and awakening.

I helped a lady unlock hers this week, via Reiki Healing, as on asking if she had a particular intention for the session, she mentioned wanting a higher level of consciousness. As soon as I began working on the head area, the messages were all about the Stella Gateway and I could feel the power and strength of the energy grow and expand up to her 12th Chakra. She is a fellow Reiki Master (I am blessed many come for treatments with me), who lives overseas, has beautifully charged energy and it was a pleasure to assist her. I am super grateful for my plethora of clients from all walks of life, with a huge spectrum of imbalances they are looking to heal and areas of growth they are discovering. There is always more to learn, discover and awaken to, marinate with your thoughts, expand your beliefs, desires and goals and aim high, it is your time!

I love this from the internet: 'When your lower chakras are ready, this mighty flower opens so that you can access divine energy.'

The Twelfth Chakra is a gateway to stronger, more acute consciousness, as it acts like a cosmic conduit for us, opening up portals of energy to the sixth dimension & beyond. Signs yours is ready to open is:

  • Lucid Dreaming - where you are getting very clear messages

  • When performing healing treatments and very defined signs and voices are showing up about your clients that are spot on

  • Changes in tolerance levels of peoples behaviour and attitudes towards you, that you can feel quiet outside of, almost stepping into a new reality, different from the norm, itching for the world to fully awaken (which it is!)

  • Epiphanies / Kundalini Awakenings / Clarity where you know it is time to take your time on this planet to a whole new spectrum.

  • A keener sense of intuitive perception and growth learning

  • Feeling acute divine feminine energy, even the next Dalai Lama is going to be female

All super exciting and empowering, good luck with your journey. Grounding (Kyle Gray's Cleanse, Tone & Moisturise works brilliantly) your energy daily and widening these processes are key as you 'open up' to a higher level on consciousness. Sending positive vibes and love to you all, have an enlightening weekend!



+44 (0)7949089265

***Happy New Moon Day too, complete your goals, expand your achievement levels & the ritual (should you feel drawn to). New Moon Ritual HERE.


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