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Writer's pictureEmma

Libra New Moon Eclipse October 2024 Energies

Updated: Sep 30

The last few weeks have been a maze of energies, peaking with the equinox yesterday, super powerful lessons. Breaking open old wounds, causing feelings like the rug has been pulled from under us, to make sure we completely let go of control, trust in God, the Universe, ourselves and utter magic.

Pressure cooker type energies within the collective, as emotions of betrayal, rage, frustration and grief rise. As you know, as empaths we are impacted by this, to varying degrees, within our energy field, our clarity of mind, motivation, and, for some, lack of desire to remain in the physical. Countless awake souls were thrown into turmoil, stay strong, you are amazing, we have been doing the healing work on ourselves to handle this big transformation of everything. As more of the truth is apparent to those now awakening, a mismatch of frequencies is playing havoc with us + dark energies testing our strength, self-belief and trust in the unknown.

The energies were magnifying the necessity for us to heal the polarity of our feminine and masculine selves, as the light and darkness came into balance and harmony with the seasonal shifts. Aligning our inner and outer worlds, hopefully you are feeling more in sync and in your body, the energies have been stretching our patience, consciousness and resilience. Key blockages appearing within the physical form, upset stomachs, bloating, throat issues, as the truth wants to be first in line for our communication.

Our next profound shift in the energies will occur with the celestial phenomenon of the solar eclipse + New Moon in Libra on 2nd October 2024 at 19:49 London, UK; 20:49 CEST; 11:49 Los Angeles; 14:49 New York & on October 3rd at 04:49 in Sydney, Australia. Depending where you live, you may actually get a glimpse of it, you will most certainly feel the upgrading of the energies. A karmic reset for us all, you hold the keys to your heaven on earth, self-healing is highly recommended. For my fellow lightworkers & starseeds, fasting or eating lightly keeps our higher self communication and quantum energy field high, as I am sure you know. We will hold high energies to sooth the balance of others, the past is rising for mass clearing.

We can heal from anything with the power of our higher self running through us. I advise root chakra, womb healing, going right back to as you were born into the world, applying all the healing techniques you have learnt and applying the intuitive gifts you hold. The repair of the divine feminine is a focus this moon cycle, up your practices of self-care and for those around you. Communicate openly, truthfully and encourage others to do the same ~ what is really going on for you/them, delve into the hidden stuff, it will be worth it.

The New Moon will set us up for an October of potent energies for calling in more of what we sense is missing from our lives. We are opening up new dimensions within ourselves and the adaptability of all that is taking place has taken up a lot of bandwidth within our energy fields and our brains, hug yourself for me.

Feel into the energies with no doubt in you, your power and capabilities, fully trusting. Learn how to increase your healing journey, omitting thoughts about what others are doing, they decide to call in everything, as do we. You are a masterpiece of brilliance, we are karma clearing to open new doorways of abundance, creativity and opportunities.

Dragon Energies 2024

Dragon energies, this 2024 year of the dragon, are very strong as September draws to a close + October begins, the age of Aquarius is here, huge timeline shifts and your toroidal field of energies is expanding rampantly. Our quantum crystalline forms are improving, synchronicities will be on fire this moon phase ~ orbs, numbers, sightings (feathers, items reminding us of others no longer in the physical form) and even telepathic thoughts (knowing what someone is going to say/do & sometimes without even being in the same sphere).


  • I take care of me for you, you take care of you for me

  • I AM in trust of the process, all that is materialising to improve the day-to-day life of me & the collective.

  • I transcend timelines with ease, Universe guide me to the next best level, best for me to grow & improve my gifts benefiting my loved ones, humanity and the playing field of life

  • God, I believe in you

  • I change the channel of my energy field, positivity is on repeat

Addictions ~ obsessive habits of even what we eat, do, everything ~ are altering, seek pleasures that supply long-term benefits, rather than 'but cake makes me happy' but sugar messes with your concentration, motivation, stability, for example.

Human architecture is transforming, enjoy repainting the canvas of your life with the emotional recalibration energies of the Libra New Moon Eclipse October Energies. Selecting timelines is a thing, moving your energies, reprogramming you, and allowing your angel wings to open. My remote Quantum Healing Treatments (5th dimensional Reiki); Innerdance Kundalini Activations; Coaching; Intuitive Readings; Mentoring Programs; Space Cleansing, Energetic Imprint Removal; Certified Reiki Courses via Zoom etc can aid your journey. Lightworkers & Starseeds have been healing for years to help you prepare, heal and flourish at this time of the mass ascension of Mother Earth.

You know the drill, as always follow your own heart, complete a ritual, cleanse your crystals, detox your body, set powerful intentions, whatever your intuition advices. Take lots of care of you, your family, friends and all those you encounter ~ permeating love & compassion is a lot less draining for you, rather than being in judgement or fear. Life is transforming for the better, for everyone, you are worthy to thrive in every area of your life.



+44 (0)7949089265

Libra New Moon Mantras by Emma Hands

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