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Lions Gate 888 Portal & Leo New Moon August 2024

Writer's picture: EmmaEmma

The Lions Gate 888 Portal Gateway is a dynamic source of spiritual light, peaking on 08:08:2024 and is open now. The energies are breaking down blockages, firing up our innate abilities, and heightening our physical, mental and emotional strength. 888 ~ 8th month, 8th day, 8 year (2+0+2+4) = infinite abundance, prosperity + success, with the new beginnings we are welcoming. Let's consciously tap into these energies of manifesting what previously seemed way out of our reach. One important significance of this number is the money will show up when you are clear about using it for the benefit of you and others and the heartfelt belief that you are worthy of so much more. Your life purpose and wishes are falling in alignment, you are in the right place and on the right path. How you navigate this period is entirely up to you though.

Bedtime Matrix by Maureen St. Germain

The astral travelling we request at night (*see the Bedtime Matrix) is rejuvenating, triggering and developing our soul’s vessel as we sleep. Our subconscious is a big part of our support team, like the higher self, it is our communication channel that can, in some ways, make or break us. If you insist on negative self-talk, moaning, complaining, arguing, questioning and doubting, then that is what the universe thinks you prefer. You are extremely capable and in control of this game of life.

The vast expansion of us is underway, the energies are strong, and integrating them is affecting everyone in unique ways. Please know that you are not going crazy, although it may feel like it with the intensity. We are literally being reborn, as we let go of the triggered, traumatised, stressed-out versions of us. Want help? My online Innerdance sessions, via Zoom, work to connect the left and right hemispheres of the brain, merging the feminine and masculine, and bringing you back to stillness, a state of equilibrium, harmony and joy. Not a dance, an innerdance, discovering the forgotten parts of you, and healing all that you want to allow to release. I am listening to a playlist as I write this; to maintain my vibrational frequency, I choose magic today.

Increasing our self-care practices is essential, we have never experienced anything like this transformation. Find what works for you but please make the time. We are feeling immensely off balance as we adjust to new air and energies, a powerful tranquillity awaits us as we let go and permit ourselves to adjust. It is like the old you does not want to let go, a belief that the less-than life, and you, are ‘easier’. It feels similar to a tug of war, hence why it is imperative to do the final healing of you. Gratitude for all you have raises your vibration.

The Lions Gate energies are activating epiphanies about our future, boosting creativity, sending new souls into our life sphere, and clarifying those formerly uncertain decisions. Let the past remain there, or face it one last time and remove it, know you are held and healed. Our spirit team are making themselves known in a substantially vigorous way. Your personal healing requires your attention so that you can close those chapters of your life.

Extremely powerful energy shifts that occur as the Sirius Star, the Sun in Leo and Orion’s belt and Earth all line up. Synchronising and activating enigmatic gateways between the spiritual and physical realms. Sirius A is the brightest star and the spiritual sun, yin ~ feminine and yang ~ masculine manifesting and big changes for us all. The Sirian's, our Cosmic Grandfather’s, are a feline species that resemble Lions, hence the name and the benevolent lion tribes of this star system that are assisting humanity with this ascension process.

The super charged light codes we are downloading are increasing our abilities. Open your heart, quieten the logical mind, and enjoy the expansion of your consciousness. Mother Earth, and all who reside on her, are upgrading, we are shifting paradigms/timelines.

Mantra: I am open to receiving the abundance, love and immense amounts of fun and laughter.

The energies over the next two weeks are supply us with supercharged capabilities to manifest and create miracles. During this period, we have the Leo New Moon on 4th August at 13:13 Europe, 12:13 London, 04:13 Los Angeles, 07:13 New York & 21:13 in Sydney. August is proving to be a powerhouse of transformation, and the challenges are flying in, to ensure we keep moving! This Sunday please get those intentions out into the ether, in whatever form works for you. Take divine action, spend time taping into your inner voice, you know what to do. Reminder: things don’t go wrong, they don’t go the way we thought because we need to take a different path, simples. Plus, to kick us up the bum, before we get too ‘comfortable’ and don’t strive higher and higher and higher. Let the broken ones fall away, we live in heaven on earth, with respect for each other, whilst ensuring we do what is in full alignment with ourselves.


Mercury goes Retrograde on Sunday as well 😂 but let's just decide to sail through it, putting off launching anything new or buying those big purchases until we are out the other side of it's shadow period (add +5 days once it ends). I have written about MR many times but we are in a unique period of transition, so choose how you want it to be for you and the universe will meet you with the lessons and growth you need. Please don't blame outside sources for issues you are calling in, yes we may see glitches occur, and the not so nice ones may try another plandemic, at the games, but it is not a version of life we are going to engage in.


How much you feel the effects of this energetic gateway depends on you, please consciously manage your vibrational frequency, vibe higher, so you can take full advantage of the energy upgrades. The symptoms you experience will be unique to you, potentially intense, extreme fatigue and disturbed sleep is widespread, please avoid running to the old systems for tablets. All tests to ensure we do the work to process the energetic upgrades, a very important few weeks, showing if we are choosing to stay in the 3D energies or live more harmoniously and happily. The journey of activations is producing varied scales i.e. super tired or super energised.

We are purging our former selves, excessive emotional, physical, mental clearance time and delightful growth. Whatever is in your world that is not in alignment with your authentic self will literally 'slap you around the face' until you listen and detach from it. We can do an Energetic Imprint Removal, remotely, if you sense negative entities tapping into your quantum field of energies. Don't be alarmed, it is happening so you can heal more of what has been blocking your growth, so that you can help yourself, and the rest of humanity evolve. Question everything, a phase of rebirthing, renewal and transformation, remove conditioning, and walk through the doorways of growth.

The Leo New Moon energies will see us set more powerful intentions and pull those changes into the here and now. Enjoy the cosmic upgrades of the Lion’s Gate Portal, the enlargement of our DNA strands and the evolution of us. Balance your quantum energy field, your antenna to the universe, work in new ways with your ego, and allow the negative traits and thought patterns of your old personality to fall away. Look beyond the realm of your current thinking, believe, and put out to the universe, that you are worthy to receive all you desire.

Innerdance Online Sessions by Emma Hands

Opportunities are opening up for you, this Lion Gate's Portal is immense, beautiful and empowering. Investigate the toxins in your life, such as the products, the people, the things you listen to, watch and consume. All of it affects your energetic vibration and as you consistently raise your consciousness, you in turn raise the consciousness of the planet. What you choose now, selects the trajectory of your life in the physical form forever, this is all happening for you, not to you. Have an amazing week, do get in touch if you are drawn to me for assistance. Private Innerdance Sessions are HALF PRICE until 11th August 2024, to encourage your healing path, and because I don't have time for you to later discover the power of Innerdance, you need you to be using it now. Lots of love to you all.



+44 (0)7949089265

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