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Human Reboot with June's New Moon in Gemini

Writer's picture: EmmaEmma

We have a big energy reset approaching with the amazing opportunities opening up for us with the Solar Eclipse (one of the longest for some time) and the New Moon in Gemini towards the end of next week. The powerful shifts in energy following the total Supermoon Lunar Eclipse on 26th May saw us releasing a great deal, such as ending relationships; removing tasks that did not ‘light us up’ and finalising our break from past bad habits, negative energies of others and blockages that we had put in our own way. This has been the perfect prelude and platform for growth as we enter the next Moon Cycle. June is another intense month of transformation, a life reboot and I am enlivened by what is to come!

The New Moon in Gemini with a Solar Eclipse will bring a cascade of new beginnings and chances to make your life more beautiful and to allow you to follow your heart and your dreams. Eclipses can cause us to feel that life no longer makes sense and we can want to 'get off the ride' but open up to mischief and harmless fun and laughter to give your soul the boost it desires.

The Eclipse and New Moon are on 10th June 2021 at 11.52am UK, 3.52am PST 6.52am EST 8pm AEST. It will be a powerful New Moon this eclipse season, which is encouraging the endings and new beginnings with each cycle and bringing big transformations. Are you already experiencing it? The energies feel alive on a new level this week, instead of the fearful, worrying life style lets throw caution to the wind and have an amazing month.

I am a huge creature of light and now that we have the photonic light expansion as the Earth moves through the photon belt, we are undergoing an expansive frequency upgrade of humanity. This has not happened for twelve thousand years, it is an energy upgrade for the world as a whole. I, for one, have been so discombobulated as the energy surcharges take hold and my personal circumstances are interesting, challenging and awaken me to a new level. Review where you are at; take some time to reassess your wants, needs and desires at this time. I use to inadvertently put blocks in my own way and now is the time for all of us to constantly ‘get out of your own way’ and thrive beyond belief. We are here to enjoy ourselves; life should not be so difficult and should include more fun! The frequency of humanity is increasing and for those aware, and working with, the energy that surrounds them, they will experience a transformative period of new information showing up, new beginnings opening up and, for some, new love relationships developing (this will include renewal of current connections, friends and partners). The widening of the bandwidth of the frequency for humanity is very exciting, change is afoot!

I highly recommend completing a New Moon Ritual, your own version of this is perfect, do whatever you feel drawn to do just be sure to write down, visualise and add to your vision board all your goals and dreams. Remember to think big; we are truly in a phase of vast manifestation and personal development. Disruption is abounding with people standing up for their rights and challenging the authorities with demonstrations throughout the world. Like the impulsive and loud traits of the sign of Gemini, communities want to be heard once more. The unnecessary constraints, the wearing of masks, the 'laws' stopping a lot of the fun we were used to are being challenged. More information will be released and further truth uncovered, there have been some truly interesting articles surface recently.

Gemini's think excessively and love to speak their mind whilst they adore helping, connecting and appreciating those close to them. The mental stimulation from these connections is a real inspiration and they are traits that are showing up for many of us. Write clear intentions and affirmations, you have a choice every day to evolve, to alter your perspective and allow yourself to be very successful. Play, curiosity, carefree are all adjectives that are very important for the next few weeks/months. Until we come out of Mercury Retrograde it can feel 'tough' but call in your most powerful intuitive insights, tune into the energies and your guides and have fun in the process. Let mystery figure in your world, uncertainty is the new normal and welcoming intrigue and passion into your personal space can be extremely rewarding.

"I am excited about getting the keys to my villa on Ibiza and collecting my new car, so that I can reach more clients per day and take breaks in the sunshine more easily. This or something better is now manifesting in an easy and relaxed manner and so it is"

We are going to continue to be challenged and inspired on a daily basis, enjoy the lessons and your journey here on Earth. As ever, if you would like help, guidance or to learn one of my courses to further awaken your soul then message me, Use the energies for creative purposes or creating drama, the choice is yours! Allow your curiosity to cause you to lift that stone, leaving nothing unturned, be creative, excited and willing to try new things.



+44 (0)7949089265

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