November is upon us, starting with the opening of the 111 Portal (01.11.2022), the beginning of us birthing and creating newness, taking renewed action on our dreams and embracing the active energies around us. On Tuesday 8th November 2022 we have the Full Moon Total Eclipse in Taurus, the final lunar eclipse and penultimate Full Moon of 2022, occurring at 11.02, London, UK | 03:02, LA, U.S.A | 06:02, NY, U.S.A & 22.02 in Sydney, Australia. The energies, as we build up to this auspicious day are, to put it mildly, weird, destructive, questioning, and eye opening. This is very much like the weather we are experiencing in the moment of calm and sunshine, literally minutes later rain, fierce wind and darkness.
We are being tested and shaken up, and asked to review, remove and release all the darkness from our past. For me, it has been like daily film reels, reminding me of trauma, pain and upset that I was not aware I needed to go through once more, but it feels like the 'final scene' in the healing of the past, as we evolve into the new earth, the new way of being. Across the pond, it will be Election Day, I am sure this has been chosen on purpose, time for change for sure, but all of them are corrupt in some way or another. Powerful Spiritual Souls are destined to be overseeing life on earth rather than 'politicians' in years to come. Time for the b******t to cease, send you healing, positive vibes America, we will be praying for you.

Thankfully, Taureans are considered to be the anchor of the zodiac, a massive positive as we are called to declutter our emotional closets (& our real ones heehee). Key traits to embody are their love of luxury, wealth, security, honesty, trustworthiness and their sensual side. Tantric practices are to be the main agenda for sexual encounters, as we learn to encompass a plethora of habits that have been hidden/tucked away from our learning. Be mindful of unnecessary aggression towards the wrong people over this week, unexplained agitation, upset and tears...let it all go!
The Solar Eclipse was a real death of...whatever it is that is needed to be released for you - relationships, careers, out dated patterns, environmental eruptions (earthquakes, volcanoes) causing relocations, existence re-evaluations, massive life changing events, then the Total Eclipse is mass rebirthing. Let's breathe a sigh of relief together, we need the restructuring, as life on Mother Earth transforms forever.
Three Days later, we have the 11.11.2022 Ascension Portal, an energetic doorway, a master gateway, opening us to greater spiritual growth, that will see our psychic and intuitive abilities blossom and thrive beyond anything we could have imagined. These are all natural skills that have been squashed/suppressed by the big wigs (some call them the New World Order, the dark ones) that control the top-level plans for Planet Earth. Everything is mapped out in advance by them, so that they have maximum control over each person's health, wellbeing and how they live. Well this was true on a greater level in the past, now so many souls are 'awake' to the lies, the domination by the elite dark ones, that love, positivity and kindness are taking over and we are relearning how to function all over again. 11:11:2022 is going to be one of the most powerful manifesting days this century.
The whole 11th month is magical, 11 is a master number of spiritual growth, signifying getting to know yourself better, opening to (& trusting) your intuition and achieving greater enlightenment. 11.11 is a message from the universe to become more conscious and aware of the energies that can then enhance your life, know you are on the right path and everything happens as we need it to for our expansion and evolution, at this time of the upgrading of life, for everyone open to it.
Until next week, it is like we are going through a 'washing machine' of emotions so that when the 'cycle' has finished we will shine brighter than ever before. So much is altering, things like 'oh your too old, you can only do this, this & this...ummm no, more mature souls can become limited in their abilities purely because society, advertising and history has told them so. Please learn to challenge everything, you really can transform your health, wealth and wellbeing yourself, no matter how many years you have been in the physical form. Fill your day with gratitude, visualisations, calming practices and have lots of fun in the process. Time to remodel ourselves, we live in heaven on earth, we are sentient beings, able to do far more than we have previously been lead to believe (not our parents fault...they were blindsided goes back generations).
The galactic activities and the great awakening of us all, has seen the veil thin between our worlds, and this is particularly increased during eclipse season. The veil between the worlds is super open, we are not alone and you can ask for help from your guides, angelic beings, and your ancestors every moment of each day. We are born to be abundant, spiritual, positive souls whose main focus is love, laughter and happiness. We began 2022 healing the Divine Feminine energies on a large scale and are closing out the year, with the help of the planetary alignments, working on our Masculine energies, that need repair, reactivation and nurturing to assist us all in clearly expressing our emotions and desires.

We are being called to expand our learning, there are many teachers out there, some amazing, and some with questionable values (only in it for the money). Follow your own guidance, I can recommend The Stargate Experience and the Portal of Ascension Conference (3rd-7th Nov) at this time. New masters appear at every turn, if you are open to learning the basics about the power of working with the energy within, and around you, then get in touch. We can get you booked in for 1-2-1 training (In-Person or via Zoom) or one of my Group teachings via Eventbrite - next one is Sunday 13th 10am GMT, new dates being added and let me know if you are in a particular time zone and I will set a date and time that works for you.
Due to the absorption of the light codes, upgrading our DNA, we are all becoming more sensitive, so it is super important to protect your energy field, at every turn. Preparation for next week is advised, writing down anything you feel called to for burning (releasing); setting new intentions, if you wish, and altering your perception, so that life becomes easier. Do get in touch if you want any coaching, treatments (for you or your kids, In-Person or at a Distance), house cleansing, past life regression, soul retrieval or cord cutting from narcissistic souls. Thankfully the days begin to get lighter on 21st December, Winter Solstice, so not long to go in this side of the world! Have a magical journey with the energy shifts happening for us this week, super interesting times.
+44 (0)7949089265
