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October Book Review

Writer: EmmaEmma

Updated: Dec 8, 2018

I adore the teachings of Anita Moorjani, since her NDE (near death experience) & being healed from stage 4 of 'that' dis-ease. Her books, talks, workshops, radio shows on HayHouse, all offer guidance, understanding and clarity for so many of us, on how best we can enjoy today. It is vital we have immense self-love & work daily to remove fear & worry from our mindsets. Even the most spiritual teachers will admit to still having off days, it is how we change our thoughts at these times that allow us to grow & get back to enjoying each day. 

Much of the contents of the book resonates with me. Anita talks about "everything that happens to us in this life is ultimately for our benefit and that we can see the truth of our reality only though contrasts - so perhaps pain & fear & suffering are necessary to comprehend & appreciate what love, acceptance, beauty & joy actually feel like." I agree, even the most awful experiences occur for a reason, to teach us a vital lesson that we can then take out into the world to help others. I believe that events, situations & similar types of people come into our lives because a lesson remains unfinished, there is still stuff we need to fully take on board with our own behaviour & perception of the world. 

The majority of us are brought up with the illusion that life has to be hard, it does NOT! (as Anita also writes). We do not have to be stressed, over worked & near to burnout all the time. Life is here to be enjoyed. Something Anita found during her NDE, with her layers of beliefs stripped away, she understood "with a sudden stunning clarity that to transform my life, whatever I said or did from that point on would need to come from a place of love instead of fear" Anita Moorjani. This is a life lesson, perhaps a daily lesson, we all live through ups & downs but can very learn to live in the now, to 'throw out' the fear & enjoy NOW.

Another great thing about Anita's book "What is this is Heaven" are the Exercises & Questions to work through at the end of each chapter. Not only is it informative & inspirational, it is guiding us to live the journey that is life, instead of 'waiting for everything to happen tomorrow', let's do this today, let's make today amazing no matter what we are doing, who we interact with or restraints we feel are on us. Mentally we can always choose to be free, to go to our 'quiet place' within & get centred.

There is so much of this book that I love, each section is looking to dispel commonly thought beliefs that are untrue! Anita talks about relationships in Chapter Three "In a mature relationship, there's pure acceptance for both parties by both parties & paradoxically, when there's acceptance, there is usually no reason to leave the relationship even if the parties don't share the same values." It is about keeping communication channels open, setting some ground rules between each other, such as not going to bed angry to allow the relationship to flourish in a healthy, happy environment. "Two very different people can love each other & coexist very happily if they truly accept each other & agree not to judge one another" Anita states, something many of us should take on board. Removing the stress in our close relationships is key, we experience enough challenges elsewhere! 

"In an unconditionally loving relationship, two people are together because they want to be, not because they feel they have to be." Anita Moorjani

A big lesson I have l had reiterated  from Anita's writing, once again, is we must all love ourselves unconditionally to be sure to constantly send the message to ourselves that 'we are worthy' & then others can love us unconditionally too. Only ever be the person YOU want to be, not want you think another demands of you or actually tries to turn you into. Be your true authentic self, without self-love relationships & our own emotional, physical & mental health struggles.  Anita writes about how her lack of self-love, not her negative thoughts, caused her cancer so let us learn from this too! Laughing is a very special emotion that can transform our day.

I listened to a great interview this week by Craig Villarrubia talking to Jacob Glass about the Course in Miracles. Jacob said that many religious teaches are untrue... like "it is better to give than receive, this is like saying it is better to inhale than exhale, not true!" JGlass, absolutely, I totally agree with this. We are just as important as the next person, we are all amazing & self-healing is very rewarding. 

I could continue to write page after page about Anita, this book & the lessons we should all take from it & her experiences but I need to stop somewhere! Go buy the books today!

My most favourite quote from the books is "The only thing that matters is that you allow yourself to be all of who you are! It's that simple! Just be yourself - your true self! Be the love that you are. Shine your light as brightly as you can. And while you are at it, don't forget to enjoy the ride & have fun - lots of fun!"

I highly recommend Anita's books What is this is Heaven & Dying to Be Me, also her talks, seminars & retreats. I look forward to the day that I meet her.



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