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Writer's pictureEmma

Pisces Super Full Moon Eclipse + Equinox Energies September 2024

Updated: Sep 16

A delightful breakthrough year, as we predicted, the quantum shift of 2024 is well underway, evolutionary change, new cycles, new you, and new timelines. On 17th/18th September we have the Super Full Moon Eclipse in Pisces at 03:36 London UK; 04.36 CEST & 12:36 Sydney & on 17th Sept at 19:36 Los Angeles & 22:36 New York. Known as the Fire Moon in some cultures, very apt for the transformational energies, arousing us to metamorphosis. Being extra conscious of your thoughts, emotions and reactions to everything is advised. I wrote recently about balancing the masculine and feminine aspects of you, for the benefit of everyone in your world, as we go through this deep inner cleansing to turbo charge life.

Eclipses shift our lives into entirely new directions, the closure, completion and endings of all we do not want, calling in our greatest desires. The veils between the worlds are super thin, increasing all we absorb, and this month, the confusion we are calling in 🤦 to trigger the subconscious programming that had (past tensing) controlled too much of our lives. A re-evaluation/assessment of you, your life and those within it, is suggested, we are pressing the GO button for mass upgrading to occur.

Pisces Super Full Moon Eclipse + Equinox Energies September 2024

We have the Pisces energies highlighting our empathy, mysticism, imagination, compassion and psychic abilities. Gifts we all own, that we are bringing back online and many more souls are working with these aspects of self, no longer afraid of their own power, strength and tenacity. Seek guidance, healing, coaching or study all you can yourself, to expand the understanding of you.

A water sign emphasising our need to surrender, trusting in the unknown, in the uncomfortable parts of life, and going with it's natural flow. Relinquish the egoic mind to open yourself up to the energy upgrades and a more powerful connection with your higher self.

We continue to experience super strong portals of energy, solar flares, energy downloads, purging, and psychic pressure, causing a rocky journey, waves of amazingness, and then deep despair. We had a set of portals open with the 9:9 gateway, and they close on 18th Sept. We have been feeling depleted, low energies, unable to tune in to our intuitive guidance, lethargic, even 'flu' type symptoms, now we change this, and heal any repetitive trauma, the metaphors of the soul. Delve into that which is most blocking you, repeated scenarios that are manifesting, signals of what wants to depart, so you can take the pause off your additional DNA strands from activating.

Our faith ~ trusting in the unknown ~ and devotion in ourselves has been tested to the max, to see if we are ready for the incoming shifts. The thinning of the veils is revealing what is hidden in our shadow self, our subconscious mind, and dealing with it all is essential to be our amazing improved authentic selves. Please feel you have passed these exams with flying colours and your highest destiny is here

Pisces Super Full Moon Mantras Sept 2024 by Emma Hands

The energies of the Mabon Autumn Equinox on Sunday 22nd September 2024 will further assist the healing of us, and Mother Earth. We are compelled to experience the darkness and light of the world - one example I heard recently is the excruciating pain of child birth = the most amazing gift of life, once the baby is born. We choose to be in human form, to live the emotions, to glide through the pain, suffering, healing and magic of life.

Questions to ask:

What is the resurrection of the pain trying to show me?

Will fear and worry change the outcome of the issues or just ruin my day?

How often is my gut feeling, my intuition, wrong?


  • I am the centre of my personal universe, co-creating reality with the collective consciousness that is a part of the greater multi-dimensional whole

  • I am in full trust of all that has happened, and is happening

  • I stop slamming the door of success and strut through it with no egoic traits, thriving is my birth right

  • Before bed: Thank you for showing me that this issue is already solved

Project your visualisations into the quantum field, particularly as the energies peak this week with the zero point, non-duality energetic vibrations of the full moon + equinox. Let's feel the miracles within our hearts, time and space is shifting. Firing up your kundalini energies maximises your inner knowing, clarity of mind, agility and DNA activation. My pineal gland has been on fire frequently, any signs you get can be better recognised by googling 'what is the spiritual meaning off...".

Let's decide to no longer live in separation, stop all the self-abuse, we are exponentially evolving, we had to 'fall down' these last few weeks. The old version of you has died, work through any reactions of yours that need altering, look into what is still unresolved for you. Triggers, old habits, additions, depression ~ unexpressed emotions and feelings, self-deprecating thoughts + words, and concern about what others think. We were putting ourselves in triggering situations so we can break the previous cycles, producing massive change.

I highly recommend screaming at a pad, emotionally releasing the past, anything that is blocking your success journey, burning it, and releasing the ash into a river, park or the ocean. This makes it simpler to draw in the energies of all you desire, feeling it with your heart, heralding it into the here and now, as you visualise it with your mind's eye (third eye). Do not place the ash in your bin, as that is effectively holding onto the words. Strong Intention setting, journalling, meditation, and living by our intuition, communicating with our higher selves, and being in the present moment 24/7 is empowering. Perhaps stop postponing your relaxation time until this, or that, are completed/sorted and enjoy this very moment, breathe.

The Pisces Super Full Moon Eclipse + Equinox Energies September 2024 is going to be a week of insights, co-creating and celebrating life. My September discounts remain live, see some of you online/virtually soon, big love.



+44 (0)7949089265

P.S. A short film depicting your inner strength when igniting the light in your heart: Kingdom - Animated Short Film

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