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The Polarity of Masculine & Feminine Energies for Healing Your Core Self

Updated: Sep 30

I set the intention for this summer, that I was going to grow my understand of self around others, to lose myself, to vibe even higher. My most recent learnings involved placing myself in a very uncomfortable, triggering situation with a particular soul for one month. Living in an environment where they choose to control all the occupants. A mirror situation, as is everything is, that allowed for monumental personal healing, to fully align with my authentic self. Everyone is unique, it is important to not take anything away from how another feels, it is their belief, some want to stay stuck in victim mode. Transmuting negative energies, that we collect from every interaction, when shopping, travelling about, everything, is very important and improves your mental, physical and emotional self enormously.

Polarity, especially emotional, gives insights into our pain, which is our greatest teacher, and suffering. The soul I mentioned is very trapped in her shadow self, refusing, or too fearful, to see, sense and feel the pain of what came before. I send her love, am in forgiveness of her actions, and take nothing personally to new levels. Plus it was another reminder I cannot help those that refuse to help themselves.

We have all heard the term shadow work - working with our subconscious mind to repair behaviours and beliefs built during childhood, adulthood and in previous life times. Our dark side is a gift and using it correctly is an art, we all have an inner masculine and feminine that is not dependent on gender. Plus, we all have a mature and immature masculine + feminine expressions, that are essential to heal and live authentically, the strongest energy we can emit.

Common examples within relationships of the traits that require review (regardless of gender): A mature feminine can raise the immature masculine traits in someone, causing them to try and bring her down through suppression, control and domination. Mature masculine traits cause the immature feminine traits to rise, attempting to bring them down by playing the victim, being the centre of attention, manipulating, gossiping and blaming.

The chart below is a wonderful description of the characteristics, and what we can do to activate the healing of others, whilst not compromising ourselves, or our safety, especially useful when bringing up children, and healing ourselves. For a child to step into their mature feminine and masculine power, they need a mature masculine or feminine presence within themselves. They need role models to get these imprints from, to cultivate healthy balance within, the same within relationships. We perform the opposing mature or immature traits, we do not match the dynamic they are in. Practising the opposing traits, consciously or subconsciously, we can advance ourselves, our understanding of us, and ability to live in more love, peace and gratitude.

Working with polarity, rising above good or bad, happy or sad, by expanding and embodying the increased levels of consciousness, as we educate ourselves creates collective change. Applying common sense, without guilt and shame and calling in our strong masculine and feminine sides will see the expansion of love energies on Mother Earth.

We are moving into a world of duality so learning to use polarity, to embody the masculine + feminine traits and the polarities within them is vital. To evolve our emotional and behavioural dynamics and traits, so the majority of our expressions are healthy. Sexual healing, tantra, aids this journey, you take on another's energies in magnified ways during intercourse, particularly within open relationships, multiple partners, multiple energies entering your soul's vessel. This can lead to conflict within yourself, that you may not recognise where it came from, apply full respect of self and all those you engage with is key, so you do not take on another's negative, broken energies.

Mature masculine side of us: wisdom, intellect, knowledge, co-operation, safety, boundaries, our yes + no, discernment and the right application of freewill

Mature feminine side of us: everything we enjoy about life, dancing, music, food, beauty, language, everything we can see, taste, tough and feel. Everything in creation, diversity, empathy + our intuition, no good or bad, complete acceptance of all life. A no judgement, yes to life, our immature self creates conflict but this instigates change, deeper insights and the presents we hold within.

We grow, learn, and develop when something is out of balance, by cycling between our mature and immature self, with awareness, we develop a healthy ego, a beautiful life. Our unhealthy ego signals that we experience of the world from our mind, perpetuating fear and suffering. Reacting to the world from memories, mental programming, with greed, anger and suffering, it is time to change this to living within our empathy, emotional intelligence, intuition and a sense of the collective consciousness so we become one, in peace, love and clarity of the magic of life.

If we feel we are in our immature feminine, we move into our mature masculine traits and vice versa. Where we are lacking, failing to listen to our intuition, living in fear, creating inspiration, trust and self-assurance. Transforming our shadows, navigating our inner and outer selves, working with our unhealthy parts, so we master duality. Let's stop fighting with ourselves internally, the game of life raises enough issues on its own.

Awakening your Kundalini, and working with it, aid this journey of confronting and clearing all that is blocking you. Sign up for Weekly Group Sessions or Private 1:1 Sessions, if you are ready and I would highly recommend purchasing a series of sessions, so that you commit to your true healing. Pay upfront for a package, select the 1st session, and then choose each session as you have/make the time for your development, helping those in your world at the same time.

It is the month to stop running from any healing that is holding you back, see some of you online soon ~ sessions to all corners of the world, and if the time you want is not shown, I work outside these hours to suit your time zone. It is recommended to do sessions soon after waking up, as you come out of REM sleep, as it magnifies the results. Anytime is good though, don't let time be a deterrent for your firing up the apple of knowledge at the base of your spine, I listen to playlists all day.

My next group session is at 07:00 PDT; 10Am EDT; 15:00 BST & 14:00 CET & only £33 this month, to encourage more regular healing of you. The Polarity of Masculine & Feminine Energies for Healing Your Core Self is a large piece of the final puzzle of stepping into your authenticity with ease and living a life of freedom, joy and trust of all that your are manifesting. What we vibrate on, we will attract, hence thinking about the negative, unhealed stuff, attracts more issues = healing time! Within closed systems, energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only transform, energy will keep repeating until we transform us. A massive week/month of energies, next week we have the powerful eclipse Full Moon, I will publish that blog soon, as it is on 17th/18th, depending where you are in the world.

Big Love, Namaste


+44 (0)7949089265

**Charts by Elliot Saxby from his book: The Inner Marriage

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