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Protecting Your Energy

Writer: EmmaEmma

Updated: May 3, 2020

Discovering greater ways to protect and maintain our energy in order to enhance, and maintain, our emotional and physical health is an ongoing learning curve for us all,

especially with the changes in the world today. Stress is one of the biggest threats to our health, some reports say more dangerous than smoking, and it is most definitely the cause of multiple diseases. It lowers our immune systems and, often, extreme illness is a 'wake up call' from our bodies that it is time to change something now! This is why, the more we can do to protect our energies from the negativity of others, whatever environment we are in, but especially when we are in tough or very busy situations and when faced with an angry friend, family member or anyone, the better it is for our health. Putting up energy boundaries is a great form of self-love, so when you interact with others, they keep whatever negativity, aggression, upset or 'victim' mentality they are holding on to.

I know that being so empathetic that I can sense the way others are feeling and I have to ensure that I don't leave myself 'open', to have my aura exposed. An example is when I feel sympathetic with another, I have to 'shake off' any energies when I leave an environment. One of my clients mentioned an advert for Reiki within the NHS, as much as I would love to help the patients, in that type of surroundings, I would want to help everyone heal and could end up exhausted and depleted of energy and unable to help others the following day. Protecting yourself is a life management tool that is invaluable to us all.

I have written on this topic before and there is a great energy ritual by Kyle Gray from his Light Warrior book, that I highly recommend! Taken from Chapter 5 The Armour of Light:

Cleanse, Tone, Moisturise

A three-step protection process that actually works. It will create an armour of light around you. I based this process on the daily skincare routine. You know the one – the cleanser gets rid of all the muck & grime, the toner firms up the skin and the moisturiser locks in all the goodness. You can do exactly the same with your energy.


First you need to cleanse your energy of any leftover vibes that aren’t serving you – anything that’s hooked on or attached to you from a challenging conversation, place or person. There are a couple of ways of doing this:

  • You can imagine sacred fire energy coming from the Mother Earth and burning away any unwanted energy that is attached to you. As it touches the fear-based energy, it transforms it from fear to love.

  • You can ask Archangel Michael and/or the angels to cut the cords of energy that are holding you back or are attached to your energy field by saying a prayer: Thank you, Archangel Michael and the angels, for cutting the cords that bind me to people, places, energy, situations and other stuff I no longer need. It feels so good to know you are here. I am safe and free! (Kyle has a whole chapter on Archangel Michael in his book Angel Prayers, another of his I highly recommend, along with Wings of Forgiveness.)


Toning is all about firming up the goodness that is already there. When it comes to toning your energy, it’s about focusing on an aspect of your present positivity, or harnessing a blessing, or choosing to remember your current state of goodness. This ignites the warrior energy within, claim your wholeness by declaring that you are completely in control of your body because it’s the vehicle of your soul. You can say this in your own words, but make sure you are speaking in the present tense and really putting your foot down. Let the universe and your guides bear witness to the incredible inner strength that you were born with.

My favourite declaration is powerful, simple and effective:

  • I am the keeper of my mind and body.

  • Wherever love is present, fear is a stranger.

  • Love is here!

When I say. ‘Love is here,’ I tap my heart three times so I can feel a physical response to what I really know deep within me.


When you are moisturising your energy, you are essentially putting on a coating that you know is going to lock in the goodness. This is the step that everyone knows from the books and healing modality trainings, but it won’t be as effective unless the previous steps have been taken. There are a few ways to do it:

  • You can declare that there is an armour of the holiest light surrounding your whole body and being, extending 10-20 feet (3 – 6 metres) in each direction.

  • Imagine a cloak of light in the colour of your choice swirling all over your body or imagine yourself in a suit of shining armour from head to toe. Again, make sure that the protective light you create radiates out about 10-20 feet beyond your body in every direction. Really bring that into your vision and intention.

Call on your guides and thank them for protecting you and the energy that surrounds you. And that’s the best way to keep your energy strong and clear! (End of this passage extract from the Light Warrior book) Read the full Book Review HERE.

One other example is the introduction of 5G phone network & broadband technology that is most certainly going to be detrimental to our health and wellbeing and has even been banned in various towns and countries. This type of non-ionised radiation is not as harmful as the Ionised radiation from X-Ray machines & UV rays say, but still not great for our health because we constantly have our phones, computers and other equipment by our sides. Companies are still trialling 5G too, so the full effects are not yet known.

Time to get those crystals out and start your daily protection, gemstones are said to be the 'fruit from the womb of mother earth' and have many healing properties. I certainly leave the house with at least one shungite & pinolith crystal on my person every day. Other crystals to block EMF radiation include: Black Tourmaline, Pyrite, Hematite, Citrine, Aventurine, Smoky Quartz, Red Jasper, Peridot, Obsidian, Malachite & Rose Quartz. Remember to pick the stones that you are most drawn to, and that will be the areas of your life that need a boost of energy and balance.

When we venture into big groups, to festivals, large events, even small ones, or a work, (anywhere there is a possibility of negativity) it is very important to protect your energy field and ward off the negativity of others to maintain your sanity and energy levels. I take a small 'travel' altar with me on trips for grounding, balance and protection. To do this just, again, choose crystals, deities, affirmations and angel cards that you are drawn too, and they will be what you need at this time. Meditating & eating a protein rich meal before entering into large groups is very grounding for us too.

As more and more of us truly 'wake up' and become aware of our sensitivities and empathetic abilities then doing protection work is vital so that we are not emotional sponges around others. As empaths we flourish when amongst positivity, kindness and laughter, which we can help generate. It is just not always possible to get away from constantly negative, aggressive, self-depreciating individuals who view their world as a negative place and do not want to change. Look after yourself first, make a daily plan for grounding and balance and do the protection work before you step into complex environments. If you forget, then excuse yourself, as Kyle mentions in his book, and do the ritual somewhere quiet.

Do let me know of any tips and personal experiences for protecting you energy against negative people, situations and challenges that you have learnt. Have an amazing day.



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"Be you, the world will adjust!"

*Updated May 2020


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