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Energy News & Virgo New Moon September 2024

Energetically September will be a month when you fully understand your personal power and strength, to rejuvenate yourself and create your dream life. Eclipse season begins mid-September, peaking with the Full Moon eclipse, which will call attention to the affect others can have on us, what we choose to allow into our quantum field of energies and the demand for us to improve our mental, physical and emotional boundaries.

We select everything, meaning we can unselect any of the non-light behaviours, projections and nonsense. It is essential to cleanse, clear and transmute any emotions, habits & triggers that arose in August. We cannot ignore the heighten emotions revealing themselves, you may feel like a pressure cooker that is about to boil over, but know you are just ‘cooking’ to perfection. All we have worked through, learnt and applied is coming into play, for our evolution, transmutation and new life.

The energies of August have been super challenging, to make sure that we tied up any loose ends of the time gone before us. Any blockages require releasing as soon as possible, so your energetic vibration continues to rise. We are here to have fun, to learn and grow together as one, without the enforced separation of colour, creed and language. Time to step into your brilliance, to aid the health and wellbeing of those around you too.

New Earth IS Inside Of You

We have the next magical moon cycle with the Virgo New Moon September 2024 on 3rd: at 03:55 CEST; 02:55 London, UK & 11:55 Sydney & 2nd Sept: 18:55 Los Angeles & 21:55 New York. Mastering managing your energetic vibration, any stuck self-talk, how others attitude and actions used to (past tensing this one) affected us to our core, when our vibrations slipped because personal doubt, judgement and questioning all that is took hold.

The New Moon & Eclipse Season energies are highlighting dysfunctional relationship patterns with others, any low frequencies will be apparent. Questions: Do you feel valued? Are you revealing your authentic self and comfortable being your evolved self? Is there a reciprocation of positive energies? Is it time for a reassessment of your needs? Investigating, and altering, any discombobulation will keep your quantum field intact, increasing your energetic frequency, aiding your manifesting journey.

Trust your intuition, what we see, sense and feel, over and above anything or anyone, you know best for your journey in this hologram we call life. The 3D world will continue to spiral into chaos and calamity, with those previously ‘in charge’ wanting to spread panic and distress. Please do not allow any poison to be injected into your physical form or to enter your thoughts. It is a period when the phrase rise above is very, very important, and the unwarranted lies will be crystal clear to many more of the population.

Improving how we manage our ego, is high on the list of priorities too this month, the filter we use to view the world. A complication of fears, beliefs, desires & ideas from the past that we built to create our personalities. Visualise knocking down the wall of your ego & leaping into the present moment. It can be a bravado some put up, wanting to increase their importance, showing off, often material things or wealth or achievements. No one is better than anyone else & this is where the negative narrative comes in, feelings of worthlessness, failure and unfulfilled expectations, often fuelled by the fake societal stories…by 30 you should be…blah blah.

 Ways to recognise deficits in your thinking are when you go into disbelief in the unseen magic; if you become overwhelmed with self-judgement, and know you are not operating in your authenticity. Authenticity has been proven to be the most powerful energetic vibration you can emit, way stronger than the frequency of love. As mentioned many times before, the energetic frequency you transmit is what affects everything you do, how you react, respond and ultimately your levels of success.


An Authentic Person:

A powerful belief in you & all you are capable of achieving

Perform daily self-healing practices & rituals, to call in miracles

Openly speaking the truth, no lying, judgement or comparison of self or others

Trust in the process of this game of life, without expectation or fear of the ‘how’

Full confidence in your choices, preferences & goals

Daily connection & communication with your higher self, your inner voice

Living by your values, not unnecessarily compromising, holding your quantum energy field in true alignment


As I write this, I feel like I am powering up, like the super heroes in cartoons, we are all divine, powerful sovereign beings. Do not under estimate yourself, your estimations create your manifestations, let’s reach for the stars and grab the magic on offer. Tune in to the positive, powerful frequency vibrations, to your galactic team of supporters and allow yourself to thrive beyond belief.

We also have the 9:9 Portal, another gateway of opportunity, to call in your dreams, September is packed with energies for dialling up positivity, within our thoughts, actions and intentions. The number 9 brings the completion of cycles, opening the doorways to amazing lucky energies. A wonderful representation of all we are creating this empowering month, spread compassion, kindness and LOVE energies every moment, be the change you want to see globally.

I sense, as do many others, that a major event is going to occur, we all remember 911, hence the demand for us to increase the management of our own quantum energy field. We are wiser, stronger and more evolved than ever before, it is time for those of us holding the light to be the masters we were born to be. Openly offer valuable support, understanding and guidance when those around you are shaken up be the explosive awakening energies. Some will fall into cronic overwhelm, fear and discombobulation but there are thousands of us here ready to share our knowledge and direction.

What would you truly love to see in your world? How is your perception (ego)? Does it require an upgrade? How can you be more of service? Release, release and release some more, destructive energies from yourself and be super open to all that is on offer for you this September. You are a game changer, a transmitter of pure energies, set to assist this period of the evolution of humanity.

Perform a New Moon ritual, set recalibrated intentions, wording is everything ~ I am so enjoying..... whatever you most desire. You can begin writing today and then take a centred moment to connect with spirit and the energies within and around you on the 3rd September. You know what to do, what is best for you, you are amazing and I send you lots of love, healing vibes and gratitude for your presence here on earth at this time. Purging, healing and releasing energies within and around you, will ensure that you are open and welcoming of all the abundance the universe is sending you. A very special time, be wise with your choices, remove fear, and enjoy all the transformations unfolding.



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