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Super Full Moon in Aries October 2024

We have the Super Full Moon in Aries on 17th October 2024 at 13:27 CEST; 12:27 London, UK; 04:27 Los Angeles; 07:27 New York & 22:27 in Sydney, a potent week of energies, as we build up to the peak on Thursday. The full moon lunar cycle will always make clear to you/mirror back to you, what can no longer be endured, or ignored, stop settling for less, why can't you have it all? Are you ready to release another layer of recent, or old, tension and mind clouds?

The fiery Aries is encouraging you to shed your skin, to step into your higher self, and manifest with amazing simplicity and ease. The Aries, Ram energies are coming to help you knock down any destructive 'walls' in your way, their personality traits of 'life is a game to win', spontaneity and pro-active approach could not be more appropriate right now. Please remember you are a magnificent soul who has chosen to experience life on earth at this time. Many wish they could be here now, enjoying the fascinating wonderment of Mother Earth, as we upgrade and coming out of our cocoons, creating a magnificent world.

Sword of Truth Blog by Emma Hands

I am optimistic that you fully understand, or continue to investigate, the significant power you receive personally by working with the moon phases. Connecting into the energies, boosting your vitality and functionality, transforming you, and subsequently, as your vibration rises, those around you too. Please be conscious of the cycles, mark them on your calendars, and embody the free growth energies on offer to you.

For the amazing young souls in your world (no matter their age, even pre-birth, they pick up on everything), why not normalise hugging a tree + working with the moon phases, to clear and reset their energy fields, setting intentions and releasing words, feelings and upset held within them? Teaching them that they are in control of their destiny, not anyone or anything else, no teacher, no societal construct, them, is so very important.

Spending time with them, or encouraging them to do it on their own, to think about what they truly desire to do/be, and what requires clearing from them is priceless and a full moon ceremony can be the perfect stepping stone. It triggers the release of stored anger, frustration and misunderstanding, that they may have experienced, showing that how they feel towards another can improve, can be caused by a certain perspective, that they have learnt from a parent, a TV show, video game and so on. Screaming at a notepad can be cathartic, especially if expressing it to another out loud would not be a positive outcome, or if it is not possible in the circumstances. My old full moon ritual is here, the biggest thing is to release the ashes in a river, park or the ocean, not in your rubbish, because that = holding onto the words/the blockages. I saw a video of a son asking his Mum if he could join her in sending cold energies to dissipate the recent manmade hurricane, it made my heart sing.

I highly encourage you to ask them what it is they would like to be, to do ultimately, this will change as they grow yet, understanding what they feel inside is the correct compass to follow, will be ingrained within them. Heart led living is the new earth energies, the connection to our heart/mind has been severed by what we were told to eat, be & do, now we change all that. Pursuing whatever it is your angels would love to do will enhance their talents, their gifts and aid the journey of conscious education, amplifying what and who they are - this is how it will be going forwards. No pressure of exams, degrees and enforced 'education' that actually suppresses a lot of their talents. I am writing a full article about conscious parenting, every child is unique, and changing the way they see the world is a massive part of developing awakening, enlightened souls, ensuring their innate gifts are not turned off.

October is the month of clock resetting, impacting each of us uniquely, amplified with the moon energies, a dysregulation of our emotional states, so you need to spend time working through how the season changes impact you, how it causes you to feel. Personally, I am a light being, hence why I changed surroundings to let in more light all year round. You may notice significant mood swings or emotional lability, heightened frustration, sadness, anger, grief and irritability, even at the smallest things, as the days get darker, or lighter, dependent on your location on Mother Earth. Sunlight is food for the soul, get outside when you can, a 15 minute barefoot walk helps to balance your mental, emotional self.

I advise remembering that time is a dance of consciousness, intuition, synchronicity, heart centred living & natural flow. A period of calling in all the tools we have learnt to be in the present moment, in full alignment and in trust with all that is. Our stability is being challenged at every step, with external and internal events, be the change you want to see in the world. I know I have said it a thousand times but YOU matter, YOU can make a difference and YOU are in the physical for an significant reason. We proved the power of coming together and focusing our energies in unity with the downgrading of the recent storm across the pond. They still got the flooding of that theme park, so they have an excuse to 'rebuild' and hide the evidence. Underground tunnels exist everywhere and are whole worlds of existence beneath our feet, not used for good. We are synchronising our energies at the most supreme time ever, it is very beautiful.

I have seen visions of assisting in the healing of the stolen souls with innerdance, with other healing practitioners and counsellors. The activation of our widespread coming together is switched on and turned up. The impure souls know you are better than them, that you are doing the work to cleanse, clear and heal your soul's vessel. We are diamond jewels in the crown of life, shine bright, be sure to protect, protect and protect yourself some more, the Bedtime & Daytime Matrix can help. Sending healing, positive and gratitude to you all, we have got this and life is transforming to higher qualities day by day.

Samhain on the 31st October 2024 welcomes in the 3D time shifts, dig deep and enjoy the leaves falling, nature resetting as you are doing so in amazing ways too. We are in a paradigm shift, 'new' technologies will show up, although you need nothing except your own self to heal, evolve and transcend.



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