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Powerful Taurus Full Moon

Writer: EmmaEmma

Updated: Nov 7, 2018

Change is happening now for everyone .

This Wednesday, 24th October, at 5:45pm (at it's fullest) is the Taurus Full Moon and the energies are very powerful, exciting and full of change. Be aware of thoughts and feeling that arise and know this is a great time to restart and reestablish a true excitement for life and all it has to offer. We are being encouraged to discover a new level of peace and belief in ourselves, our talents and our abilities to manifest our dreams.

Things do not go 'wrong', they go a different way than expected sometimes in order that we can establish a new path, reassess and move in a new direction.

It is going back to the fact that things do not go 'wrong', they go a different way than expected sometimes in order that we can establish a new path, reassess and move in a new direction. Unexpected changes are going to lead to new opportunities and an increase in the belief that you can achieve everything and anything! We must follow our intuition, believe in ourselves and reach for the stars! Think about the biggest goals you have and visualise them as in place (at least twice a day!) and know you have a choice, so dream big and go for it!

A time of evolving and accepting change! Change is needed and creating a base of daily gratitude can help with your manifesting. Having faith in your own thoughts, feeling and desires will allow you to move forwards with a strong grounding of faith and happiness.

As always, it is great to complete a Full Moon Ritual to release all that no longer serves you, anything you are holding on to that needs to be let go off and any doubts and fears that are blocking your growth. Forgiveness often features when we review anger or negative feelings and the greatest way to 'get rid' of the negative 'power' these have is to send the situation, person or event that has hurt or upset you love and joy. See them in love and release the 'hold' the anger has had over you, it really does remove the strength and unrest caused by these situations.

To replicate at home each month this is what you will need to gather:

  • Sage, Frankincense, Incense or Palo Santo                     

  • Sound chimes  or a sound bowl 

  • Candles                                                       

  • Lighter or matches                                                   

  • Pen & Paper  

  • A selection of your favourite Crystals, pick those you feel most drawn to on the day and that represent where you want to get to and what you want to manifest. There is a guide that can help here: A-Z Crystals.

  • Excellent Full Moon Crystals include: Labradorite, Moonstone (for generating a deeper connection with the moon), Clear Quartz, Unakite (for balancing masculine & feminine energies) & Selenite.

The Process:

  • Light the candles 

  • Smudge your home, the area & yourself

  • Ground yourself by feeling the earth under your feet (even if you are not on the ground floor / outside).

  • Visualisation is key here, visibly shake of any tension from your body and begin.

  • Write down that which you wish to release, anything that is bothering you or no longer serving you. These can be people we need to forgive to move on, for example.

  • The pages that you write must then be burnt or release into a river/ stream or buried in the ground within 48 hours of the ceremony. 

  • Let go of old habits & thought patterns as you release the note and visualise a sense of calm enveloping you. This can be in the form of a white light or a Teflon cloak of protection (visualise in your minds eye) surrounding you

  • This process can be repeated during the 24 hours surrounding the full moon. If there are additional thoughts that come up, be sure to list them down & once again burn / set free the list & release any hold it has over you & most importantly, enjoy the process.

House Cleansing Ceremonies are also a fabulous idea this Wednesday, there is guidance here: Smudging Ceremony or call me & I can come & perform a full ceremony with Sound Healing, Smudging and Reiki and help you with embrace the exciting changes. I also host Full Moon Ceremonies, booking recommended as they sell out, check the @Handserenity Facebook page.

This really is about us no longer living in fear, worrying about what might happen, scared we will never get what we truly want, frightened of actually living our best life and enjoying each moment. The world has never seen so many people awakening and learning to live a new life, a new way of being. If you believe you will be ill, you will be ill, if you think you will always be poor, you will be block abundance coming to you but if you do the opposite and turn these thoughts to positive you will truly see wonderful changes in your life. Do no wait until it is too late... this is YOUR time and YOU are amazing, self love is the key to the door of life, to happiness and ultimately living your life purpose. Throw out anxiety, fear and worry once and for all, as Anita Moorjani says "Love yourself like your life depends on it." 





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