1:1 Training At A Time To Suit You - via Zoom
Certified Usui Reiki I, II & Master/Teacher Level Workshops, Upgrade your life, learn to work with the energy within & around you in a stronger way. Boost your immune system, remove stress, anxiety and depression and live happier + more relaxed daily. Reiki is an amazing energy healing modality that ignites the bodies own self-healing abilities. More details on the benefits of Reiki: HERE, FREE Distance Attunements included with the training.

Becoming in-tune with your own energies, your internal & external existence, raises your frequency, self-healing abilities, your self-worth, allowing life to flow more easily for you and those around you.
Certified Usui Reiki Level I
Step 1 energy healing course, where you will discover how it works, daily benefits, it's history & develop skills to perform self-reiki sessions. Receive the Reiki Level I Attunement, leading to 21 days of personal healing. Level I is an initiation into Reiki, is open to everyone, we all have Reiki energy within us. Sessions 1:1 or Group Training
Certified Usui Reiki Level II
This module will give you a great understanding of Reiki & how to prepare your Reiki Space. Examples of other areas covered include: Methods of how to perform Distance Reiki; How Reiki can be used to empower your goals & solve problems & How to combine Reiki with other Healing Disciplines.
Rei, meaning Universal or Higher Power – omnipresent – present everywhere
Ki, meaning Life Force Energy – the essence of the soul. Keeping the flow of Ki energy high & unencumbered leads to a healthy and happy life, full of enthusiasm. For anyone feeling drawn to learn Reiki please email with any questions.
One-to-One training, In-Person or via Zoom.
"The touch of Reiki dissipates anger, soothes worries & inspires us to do our best." Emma

Certified Usui Reiki Level I + II Combined
Combine Level I = Self-Practice, Level II = Become Attuned to the Symbols + Work on Others. Teaching is 1:1 Via Zoom or In-Person, Richmond, London, UK. 5 hours = £350 Message me for more details emma@handserenity.com

Certified Usui Reiki Master/Teacher Level
Mastering Reiki is a lifelong journey, we receive healing each time we perform self healing or treatment another. 2 x 3 hours of teaching via Zoom or In-Person. The key is to practice and learning will continue as you perform & work with the amazing healing energies. You are under no obligation to go on to teach others, it depends on your journey entirely.
Advantages of the Master Course include: Receive another Attunement = 21 days personal healing; Connect to a higher energy frequency; Learn advanced healing techniques. 1:1 training, In-Person or via Zoom.

Each Course Manual will be supplied in advance, on payment of the deposit. Courses are Online, via Zoom with short multiple choice quiz for the Certification.
"Reiki is a powerful tool for transforming your life and creating a deeper sense of calm, even at difficult times" Emma
Energy Alchemist, Emma Hands
An empath, intuitive and natural caretaker of others, who adores helping you become the best version of yourself and follow your life purpose. Teaching the art of reiki - inviting new levels of happiness into everyone's world, so that we can all live more mindful, peaceful lives. A Certified Usui, Crystal & Animal Reiki Master & Teacher, Certified Crystal Healer, Intuitive Reading + Shamanic Journeying with diplomas in Psychology, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Nutrition + Certified in Akashic Records. Being on a spiritual journey has really changed my life, my outlook, my health & my view of the world. Especially through the Reiki energy, practicing daily on myself, is so amazing, healing and insightful and aids our personal growth. I would love to help you improve your life further!

Refresher Courses are available upon request for all Levels, I, II & Master / Teacher. A great idea to build confidence and receive training in the latest techniques. If you learnt Reiki sometime ago then this option is an perfect, refresh your skills. Email emma@handserenity.com for more information and availability.

Cancellation Policy: Please provide 48 hours notice if unable to attend your appointment. We will endeavour to re-arrange the treatment within 7 days. Cancellations within 48 hours will be charged at the full rate.
2 hr
225 British pounds