Search Results
276 items found for "clear-quartz"
Services (5)
- Distance Quantum Energy Healing
Healing (5D Reiki) Treatments fully remote & intuitive guidance, sent afterwards, with information of the clearing Dis-ease, causes a breakdown in the bodies energy system, we clear the energetic imbalances, allowing A Global transmission to cleanse your soul, clear your mind, + aid the healing of your physical form.
- Psychic Surgery + Quantum Energy Healing
Psychic Surgery + Quantum Energy Healing, a non-invasive energy healing treatment process that, when combined with mindset coaching, can see your health and wellbeing transform. It releases negative energy; heals emotional difficulties; relationship issues; addictions, and spiritual and health problems. All our problems are within our ability to solve and it is important to realise that there is always a higher purpose for everything in our lives. What we consider a problem is an opportunity to learn and grow. Using inner guidance and developing new techniques that allow you to tap more deeply into your ability to live more positively, without fear and worry, is paramount for your overall health. It works in the auric field of the recipient and can be an extraordinarily, powerful and effective tool in addressing specific emotional + physical ailments and energy blockages. The Process Step 1: complete approx 3 to 6 Quantum Healing Treatments (40 minutes each) to begin to 'peel back the layers of emotional, mental, + physical blockages, built up over a lifetime or 3 x Coaching (30 minutes) Step 2: To give the cause of the most pressing problem an identity, to allow you to focus directly on the issue + work to release it Giving extreme issues an identity is healing in itself as it allows you to bring the cause into awareness where it can be dealt with/faced up to Step 3: Find the location of the most important blockage related to the underlying problems and deciding what it looks like Step 4: let me do my magic & work through the body releasing what no longer serves you & remove the most pressing issue from the physical form Discounts for block bookings of Treatments + 30 minutes Coaching
- Private In-Person Innerdance Activation
Synchronising the brain & nervous system, awakening triggers for clearing, firing up your kundalini energies
Blog Posts (255)
- Crystals for Hormone Balance
For men, it awakens emotional expression Smoky (SQ) + Rose Quartz (RQ) for increasing unconditional Quartz , the Master Healer, a stone of power, it is one of the most versatile crystals. II , using the below symbol in your self treatments daily will further help with the balancing and clearing Clearing past hurts, anger and blame towards others, which leads to forgiveness and the release of the Being clear on what you want, and do not want, aids your health, wealth and happiness levels.
- Energy News + New SuperMoon in Aquarius Jan 2023
Communication can still be tricky, especially until MR is over, so be as clear, concise and honest as Carnelian - motivation; Black Tourmaline - removing negativity; Tiger's Eye for abundance + self-esteem; Clear Quartz to amplify positive energies; Lemurian Quartz - raise your vibration + Rose Quartz for increased Lots of quartz energies this month but, as always, pick that which you are most drawn to and carry them
- November's Full Moon + Lunar Eclipse
synchronicities show up; your intuition has continual 'aha' moments, as to where your next move should be in a clear & your energetic bodyguard), Obsidian (protective talisman), Larvikite (higher self-insight), Rose Quartz (increase self-love & unconditional love for others), Clear Quartz (the Master healer), Labradorite
Other Pages (16)
- Space Clearing | Handserenity Energy Alchemy | Global + Ibiza Spain
Home, Office + Hotel Energy Space Cleansing Space clearing ceremonies remove negative energetic imprints feeling/seeing movement of objects + shadows at night Moving To A New Home + Selling Your Property To clear article about House Cleansing & I was featured Remote Home Energy Cleansing REQUEST A QUOTE Remote clearing The smoke attaches to the negative energy in the air, dissipates + clears it & transmutes it from negative
- New Page | Handserenity
He sketched with pencil & paper as I worked on him energetically & he listened to the playlist clearing Green /Neutral = Moderate intensity, ‘NORMAL’ TIME Yellow + Orange + Red = High intensity, HEALING & CLEARING embedded toxic frequencies within your physical form are dismantling & requiring your attention for clearing Our SIGN to get manifesting, post energy clearing our physical bodies + auric fields, EVERYTHING is coming Clearing of emotional, physical + mental blockages, a conscious meditation, generating renewed perspectives
- Emma Hands | Handserenity Energy Alchemy | My Story
sessions help you to transmute & transcend into higher states of christ consciousness, triggering & clearing Energy Healing entered my world, allowing me to work with the energetics of the mind, body & soul, clearing Following a past life regression, it is clear I was a healer in a past life when I saw myself burnt at Positive thinking, dealing with, & clearing, stored negative energy blockages + loving yourself unconditionally