Search Results
254 items found for "black-tourmaline"
- June's New Moon
Record each New Moon ritual in your notebook, preferably with the date & time, so you can refer back
- Meditation for Beginners
Everyone has thoughts pop in & out of their minds, the key is to not focus on them & to go back to focusing
- October Book Review
still having off days, it is how we change our thoughts at these times that allow us to grow & get back Anita writes about how her lack of self-love, not her negative thoughts, caused her cancer so let us
- Kaizen: The Science of Continuous Improvement
Tomorrow is a new day and do not take any of the lack from the previous day into the present, let it Negativity and nagging yourself is wasted energy and emotions, let's get back to the to-do list and grow struggling recently, as the flow of abundance has not been sufficient to cover my outgoings but I am back
- Reiki & Crystals for Fertility & Pregnancy
It relieves lower back pain, arthritis and depression and improves the absorption of vitamins and minerals It aids the removal of negative energy and stress and is dissolves cramps, strengthens the back & fortifies
- How quickly life can change...
Not always easy to do, bringing yourself back to your centre, taking time for yourself & continually Be grateful for what you have & I will be back next week. Bright Blessings Emma
- Change Your Personality To Improve Your Health Forever.
Dispenza did it through meditation and re-trained his thoughts that way and repaired 6 vertebrae in his back
- Spiritual Awakening
events happening around us & throughout the world, it is great so many of us are 'taking our power back The people around me are reflecting back at me the things I most have to learn.
- Guest Blog from Alejandra in Seattle
Clutter blocks the way energy flows through a home, so it could be keeping bad energy in and making things
- What You Think, You Become
This is one I must go back to affirming daily: 'Out of this situation only good will come.
- The Importance of Gratitude Journals
re-focus on what we do have & are grateful for, rather than what we had, what is missing or we feel we lack Remove the lack and replace it with gratitude and joy for what you have and watch how things improve! We all have ups and downs but it is how we climb back and rebuild our strength, happiness and desire
- Exciting Transformations this Full Moon
Take a step back, take time for meditation / a walk in nature or that which relaxes you, in order that
- Strength of Distance Reiki Healing & Tarot Readings
found that two pendulum clocks ‘fall into synchrony’ when placed near to each other, this has been backed Reiki clears the blocked emotional & physical elements that can lead to illness & dis-ease, to restore
- Part 1: One of 5 Main Reiki Principles Explained
As with all the descriptions of the 5 principles of Reiki, what we put out is what we get back, so we For the next 4 weeks we will cover the remainder of the Principles, check back next week to further enhance
- The 12 Spiritual Chakras
It is used for 'letting go' as we release old attitudes, to stop anything that is holding us back.
- New Moon Ritual for Healing
Record each New Moon ritual in your notebook, preferably with the date & time, so you can refer back
- 6 Top Benefits of Reiki
If we are suffer illness or injury they become blocked which can cause them to affect the other chakras
- Reiki & Future Life Regression
Gently float back down through your crown chakra opening and bring your awareness and gift to your heart
- October's Healing Crystals
It removes energy blocks, from both physical bodies and etheric bodies and from other crystals and stones Health: It restores physical energy, strengthens the bones and relieves hip and back pain.
- What is Reiki?
I will be coming back for another session, soon.”
- Healthy Living Advice
Apples - Protects your heart, prevents constipation, blocks diarrhoea, improves lung capacity and helps
- Advice for Hormonal Balance
thyroid -Adrenal glands – two glands located above the kidneys -Endocrine Pancreas – located against the back
- Coming to Terms with Spiritual Powers
I was off to celebrate with two friends after their engagement and as I left, was drawn back into the
- 8 Essential Life Changing Tips
example; a Sore throat can be; Holding in angry words and feeling unable to express oneself; Lower Back problems relates to fear of money or lack of financial support. March Book Review blog post, very highly recommended, not least for the medical 'Dictionary' in the back
- Reiki for Manifesting Abundance
It really is about re training our thought processes and frequently checking back in with ourselves every Low levels of money is not related to lack of education, luck or fate but to the blockages we create Remove the feelings of lack and replace with abundance, of wealth and security.
- Tackling Cyber Bullying
When we look closely and trace back when an ache or health issue started, it is clear stress & holding
- Book Review - March 2016
Lower Back Problems = Fear of money.
- Struggling with a Negative Mindset or Situation
to breathe, wanting the negative thoughts in your head to clear & the happiness switch to be turned back
- Challenging Times
I will come back to this later, learning to stay strong in adversity and BS is my task for this week.
- Book Review - February 2016
"I had the choice to come back... or not.
- Book Review - January 2016
Another extract is: "My Dad (Dr W Dyer) tells this great story from back when he was a practicing psychologist
- Spiritual Healing Trip to Glastonbury
Friday and started with a beverage in the oldest purpose built pub in South West of England, dating back
- Clearing Negative Energy
Constant criticism leads to illness and di-sease and can take people ‘back to square one’ emotionally
- Let's not judge!
dominant as her voice overshadowed the rest and the conversation appeared to be constantly brought back