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The Shamanic Tool for Collecting and Healing Fragmented Parts of Your Soul Lost through Trauma. For Releasing Emotional Wounds & Letting Go of the Past, once and for all.

Soul Retrieval Drumming Journey

Shamanic Healing empowers you to find incredible balance and calm, far greater than before trauma occurred. Shamanism is as old as humanity & I have always felt a great affinity with it. It allows us to travel beyond the confines of the middle world, into the lower and upper worlds to truly discover who we are and our purpose in the physical realm at this time.

Handserenity Energy Alchemy Logo
Handserenity Energy Alchemy Logo


Soul Retrieval Ceremony for collecting + healing fragmented parts of your soul, When trauma occurs we lose a piece of our soul, through shock, emotional events, abuse or separation; physical events i.e. accidents + anaesthesia. It is natural that this occurs, a self-preservation method but they need to be restored. We also give away parts of our soul through difficult circumstances or complex life choices, resulting in ‘I left my heart in…’, ‘I want my life back’. Emotional dependency, Acute Anxiety, Addiction or Depression are all examples of us trying to fill the missing void, in others or via numbing substances.


During Soul Retrieval Ceremony we venture to the underworld and retrieve the piece of our soul, in the form of a small child, and store them into the here and now. It has been likened to discovering the ‘missing key’ with the outcome causing you to feel a level of wholeness and strength far greater than before the fragment broke away. It is a time of rebirth and healing and increases energy levels.


The drumming journey = approx. 36 minutes, first with a consultation of approx 1 hour. The whole process = 1 – 2 hours, dependent on each individual. The main requirement is to be open, relaxed and to enjoy the journey! Healing effects can occur for a few weeks afterwards, everyone is unique. Email or call 07949089265. 

Certified Shamanic Life Coach Emma Hands
Soul Retrieval by Emma Hands
Soul Retrieval Therapy Session

Pricing is based on 2 hours for the Consultation and Drumming journey. Subsequent hours will incur additional costs. 

Cancellation Policy: ​Please provide 48 hours notice if unable to attend your appointment. We will endeavour to re-arrange the treatment within 7 days. Cancellations within 48 hours will be charged at the full rate. 

We set an intention at the beginning, to be clear on the goal, towards the end of the process I visualise placing the energetic soul fragments into your Crown Chakra. Emotions can be heightened, let yourself cry, laugh, do not suppress any feelings, the energy will settle. The journey for your lost child is fast paced + exhilarating, as I retrieve the lost fragments of your soul.

+44 (0)7949089265

Emma Hands Reiki Practitioner
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'I Feel Like A Piece Of Me Is Missing' 

Emma Hands Energy Alchemist
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