Coaching for removing negative thought patterns, the egoic mind; relearning self-talk, perception & the integration of your reawakened abilities, & closing the door on the old you.
Intuitive Coaching to assist your journey as the energies upgrade. Our thoughts create our world, learn to manage your ego, live by your intuition & fully trust in your power. Work through factors that prevented you from moving forwards; outdated thought patterns & master control of you & your world. Re-learning a lot of what was previously taught, unlocking subconscious programming, improving perception, & opening the doors to success. The changes can appear overwhelming, but living outside of fear is empowering & welcomes renewed peace, happiness, adventure & love into your world, for you & those close to you.
Learn How To Get Out Of Your Own Way
Releasing old habits takes practice ~ weekly or fortnightly sessions are advisable to begin with. Personalised guidance 1:1, awakening the answers you hold within you to boost your self-belief, confidence & connection with your higher self. Sessions Globally via Zoom per session or purchase a plan & commit to your evolution + upgrading.
Emma combines her knowledge, learnings & channelled guidance for you to thrive, she studied Psychology, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) & volunteered for many years on a helpline, to help guide souls to improve their lives.
Are you, or the young souls in your life, empaths? Help to better understand + manage, all that is seen, sensed + felt.
Benefits of Coaching
Discover how to experience life through new eyes
Learn you new ways to deal with stress, anxiety, depression, + any challenges that affect your emotional, mental + physical wellbeing
Health guidance including weight loss + nourishing your soul for more energy daily
Investigate ancestral, parental, or self created, programs that manifest as blockages
Enjoy increased love + abundance as you get out of your own way
An upgraded state of consciousness is achieved with every level of healing you do
The improvements assist with integrating the downloads of light, upgrading your latent DNA + bringing your dormant skills back online
Combine Quantum Healing, so I can remove the negative energy blockages, held within
Book & Pay In Advance to SAVE, drop me an email for booking queries or to ask a question
Becoming in-tune with your own energies, raises your frequency, allowing life to flow more easily
Cancellation Policy: ​Please provide 48 hours notice if unable to attend your appointment. We will endeavour to re-arrange the treatment within 7 days. Cancellations within 48 hours will be charged at the full rate.
*For those on a low income or having financial issues please message me for discounts*
- Available OnlineLearn More
Our thoughts create our world & unlearning what we were taught creates harmony, peace & joy easily.
1 hr
125 British pounds - Available OnlineLearn More
Limiting beliefs can cause feelings of being 'stuck', creating doubt in your abilities + self worth
1 hr
111 British pounds - Available OnlineLearn More
Lets remove the ants from your world, switching your mindset to positive at every opportunity
30 min
55 British pounds